Heroes of the Storm - Maiev Guide

Heroes of the Storm

When a new hero is in Heroes of the Storm When entering the nexus, choosing the right talent is always difficult and the task in team fights is not always clear in 100%. For this, Blizzard has now to release Maiev, with the professional player Niels "Nurok" Gebhardt - Team Liquid published a first, short guide.

Heroes of the Storm - Maiev in the middle of the fray

Maievs Skills ensure that she should actually be in the middle of the opposing team. There she shares her area damage like Dagger fans and ideally escapes with Guardian reflexes or spirit of vengeance on opponents. Also her crowd control skills like Umbral Shackles or the heroic ability dungeon of the guardian require that she comes relatively close to the enemies.

As Nurok writes, that is the attraction of Maiev and the point where she shows her strengths. Did you get your opponents to "waste" their attack skills and could you with them? Guardian reflexes evasive, this is very frustrating for them and hopefully leads them to further mistakes. Regardless of the Crowd control effects Maiev causes massive damage with a dagger fan. With a cooldown of only 4 seconds or even only 0.5 seconds when it hits 2 or more opponents, Dagger Fan can dismantle an entire team in a flash.

Nurok assesses the two heroic abilities as situation-dependent. Depending on the card and the opposing team, it can Portable prison decide between victory and defeat in a fight. However, it can "go wrong" more easily if the wrong hero is hit.

Guardian's dungeon however, it is much easier to use and offers less opportunity to misuse it.

A preliminary selection of talent is also available. You can find the complete guide at the Blizzard homepage. Good luck with Illidan's jailer!

Heroes of the Storm Maiev Talents

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