Heroes of the Storm - New Hanamura Card

Heroes of the Storm

With Hanamura, Blizzard not only publishes a new battlefield for Heroes of the Storm, but also implements several new techniques.

Heroes of the Storm - Hanamura, home of the Shimada clan

On the Asian-themed map, which represents the home of the Shimada clan, you can only attack the opposing citadel indirectly, similar to the Towers of Doom.

Only with the support of the mercenaries on the map and the successful escort of the freight, you can damage the citadel. By being close to the cargo, you propel it, and with 3 players nearby it reaches top speed. But only one opponent in the vicinity ensures a total stop, so it is better to turn it off quickly. If there is no team member in range, the cargo moves backwards very slowly.

Each cargo successfully escorted to its destination inflicts 1 damage to the opposing citadel. Citadels have 7 life points in this game mode.

If a team destroys an enemy fort or fortress, the cargo is increased by 1 point of damage for each fortification destroyed.

Hanamura - The new mercenaries

The camps in Hanamura give a lot of experience and offer useful side effects.

The Gun camps at the top and bottom of the map, drop a turret, which you can place anywhere on the map after picking up. Even on the roof of your cargo, which blocks the enemy.

Heroes of the Storm

In the area of the two lanes are the Awareness camps, after defeating the minions you will find a dragon token. When using this token, 3 dragon spirits appear looking for the nearest enemy and reveal their position for 8 seconds.

Just outside of the two bases are the Support camps, the guard of the camp gives you a healing impulse token after a successful fight. With its help you can release healing energy that heals close team members over a short period of time.

In addition, the Mega enforcer, a tough boss that requires your whole team. When he dies, he inflicts one damage on the opposing citadel.

So you see Hanamura is a varied battlefield that has to be reacted to quickly. Coordinating attack and defense will challenge your team. Since the citadels only have 7 health points, the reinforcement of the cargo by destroyed fortifications is a good way to catch up. Likewise, pioneers strengthen your waves of servants, which can damage the opposing citadel if they are not stopped.

Hanamura will be with Heroes of the Storm 2.0 appear and is currently on the test server. You can find the video at the beginning of the article.

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