League of Legends - Annie Short Film


The secret to Annie is solved that League of Legends The makers have published a 6 minute short film with the story of the origin of the little fire devil. We learn what happened to her parents and how they got their teddy bear Tibbers brought to life.

League of Legends - Annie Origins

In addition, her biography was on the League of Legends Universe Page updated. There you can find all background information about the heroes and their world. While the video shows Annie's life under her stepmother, the story also portrays the fate of her birth mother. Because this one was called a witch Amoline, from which Annie probably inherited her magical powers. Since a serious illness in adolescence that nearly killed Annie, her mother has disappeared and it is suspected that Tibbers is obsessed with her ghost.

Here is an excerpt from the story:

“When Annie was a toddler, she and her father got sick. At nightfall, Annie was glowing with a fever and soon she was so hot that her mother could no longer hold her in her arms. Amoline was desperate and decided to go to the nearby river for ice-cold water. Gregori woke up the next morning - weakened by the illness and wobbly on his feet. In the cot lay a very healthy Annie, who played happily with her stuffed bear Tibbers, but there was no trace of Amoline. "

When Tibbers “activates” and explodes to full size and in flames, it is soyus say her mother's spirit protecting Annie from anything and everything.

You can find the full story on the Riot Universe Page and in the animated short film Annie: Origins. Hopefully there will be more films and stories like this, who wouldn't want to feature a League of Legends film adaptation of Platoon or Full Metal Jacket Teemo * cough * His Omega Squad Skin is ultimately about a failed mission in the jungle, in which he lost his comrades and which makes him seem a little crazy.


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