On November 8th the time has come League of Legends developer Riot whirls the league completely upside down with the preseason update. The traditional runes and championship system are combined, the maximum level is removed and new opportunities for loot are introduced.
The new League of Legends rune system
Championships and runes are combined into a new system. The new runes can then also be changed and selected during the champion selection. This allows the players to make an individual selection before each match. In the future, you will be spoiled for choice between 60 new runeswhich are all free and freely accessible to everyone.
The runes are roughly divided into classes with different mottos:
- precision
- Improved attacks and continuous damage
- Dominance
- Damage spikes and access to targets
- sorcery
- Increased skills and surface effect
- determination
- Perseverance and crowd control
- inspiration
- Creative tools and the avoidance of rules
Under dominance you will find skills such as:
Electrify - A champion within 2 seconds with three unique Hitting attacks or abilities deals bonus magic damage
robber - Enchant your boots with an active effect that grants you increased movement speed and allows your next attack or spell to do additional damage.
Dark harvest of souls - Champions, large vassals, and large monsters drop soul essence when they die. Touch souls to absorb them and deal additional damage on your next attack based on the total number of Soul Essences collected so far.
So you will have a lot more choice in the future and some of the new runes will allow new tactics and strategies in the League of Legends. A video by Riot shows some of the runes in action:
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Learn more
On the homepage for the preseason there is also a small rune planner with which you can plan now and choose your favorite combination.
Removing the maximum level
The second big change is the removal of the previous level limit. At the same time that will XP (influence points) system, replaced by a completely redesigned reward system.
Instead of a few XP after each game, players will receive an unlocked chest every time they level up. These will Capsules called and contain champion splinters and blue essences. When certain milestones are reached, there are also extra rewards such as gems or rare emotes.
Since the now free runes and the removal of EP have made the League of Legends currency system obsolete, the blue essences a new single currency.
The blue essences (BE can then be used for anything that you have previously used EP and blue essences (the old ones) for. This includes loot and the acquisition of Champions at the shop. The prices remain the same, if a new champion currently costs 6300 EP, it will cost 6300 BE from the update.
"Compensation" for veterans who bought rune pages with riotpoints
To thank the games that have bought rune pages through RP in the past and have earned an extensive rune collection through EP, they receive gifts.
The official statement:
“So for every rune and rune page that you bought before the 2017 season, you get a little blue gift. Runes purchased during the 2017 season will be fully refunded. "
There are 3 runes (characters, seals, glyphs) for each tier 100 blue essences.
For each tier there are 3 essence respectively 300 blue essences.
Every rune page bought with XP brings you 1500 blue essences.
For every 4 rune pages bought with riot points, there are 1 epic skin.
It should be noted that the rune pages are retained in the new system.
Special blue essences shop for the preseason
With such a distribution of blue essences, some players will be able to swim in it like Uncle Dagobert in his gold coins. So that the BE does not lie on the bank for too long, Riot opens with the "Blue essence“Shop for a short time an opportunity to convert the BE into useful things.
Here is a small overview of what there will be fun to buy:
Just that URF Warwick is specially designed for players who have been active in the league for years. With the BE rain waiting for some players, the prices are not that expensive.
- 1,500 BE - "Mysterious Symbol" box (guarantees a symbol that you do not yet have)
- 2,000 BE - Chromas (all chromas that have been available for at least 6 months)
- 2,500 BE - "Mysterious Minis" symbol box (exclusively in the BE shop)
- 3,950 BE - Mysterious Champions (guaranteed a champion you don't already own)
- 4,900 BE - "Mysterious Eye Skin" box (guaranteed an eye skin that you do not yet have)
- 6,000 BE - rune eye skin (exclusively in the BE shop)
- 50,000 BE - "Kugelhagel" emote (exclusively in the BE shop)
- 50,000 BE and more: Gemstones (The first costs 50,000, the second 75,000, the third 100,000. Limited to three per account during the special BE-Shop special.)
- 150,000 BE - URFWarwick skin (now exclusively available in the BE shop)
Veteran's reward
With the new emote, there is also a way for these long-time veterans to show how long they have been around. The emote is available in 3 variants that are distributed depending on how much game time was spent in League.
"Defender of the League" - From around 500 hours of play
"Champion of the League" - From around 1500 hours of play
"Conqueror of the League" - From around 2500 hours of play
A Homepage of Riot on the topic, which explains everything important about the preseason, runes and blue essences etc. there is of course also. The FAQ with the most frequently asked questions, you can also find there.