League of Legends - TSM Doublelift switches to Team Liquid

League of Legends

The North American League of Legends Team SoloMid announced today that they have Yiliang "Double lift " Borrow Peng to Team Liquid for the rest of the LCS split. Doublelift, one of the most famous western players, will of course start as AD Carry at Team Liquid.

Team Liquid is at a low point this season and is currently in last place in the American league with 3 wins versus 9 losses.

Co CEO Steve "LiQuiD112" Team Liquid's Arhanceu has been looking for a new AD Carry for some time. So far, this position has been temporarily held by Young-bin "Youngbin“Filled with young, Team Liquid will remain as a substitute and will thus have the opportunity to learn from Doublelift. In the summer, Youngbin will take part in the try-outs in order to get a starter place in the team with the additional experience.

League of Legends - Doublelift's Way

Yiliang "Double lift" Peng transferred from Team CLG to Team SoloMid in 2016. After the 2016 LCS season and the World Championship, he voluntarily decided to switch to the bench. With that he allows himself a long overdue break. Again and again, Doublelift emphasized that he was planning to be a starter in the team again for the second half of the LCS season and the following World Championship.

Team SoloMid filled the void quite successfully with their former member Jason "Wildturtle“Tran. At the moment, Team SoloMid shares the top rank in the league with Team Cloud9.

As Team SoloMid announced when they announced Doublelift's break, he is not guaranteed to return. In other words, test games may be held before the next split. In these, Doublelift must then qualify as the best for the post.

Nevertheless, the guest appearance at Team Liquid gives him the best training conditions. This is also the statement from Team SoloMid owner Andy "Reginald" Dinh can be found:

“I am happy that Peter has the opportunity to prepare for the next split under competitive conditions. He's a good friend of mine and we'll happily give him a fair chance to qualify for the team again. The goal is to set up the best possible team for the World Cup and Peter as a potential 6th man would be a great help. It is good that he can now train accordingly and hopefully it will not be too big a change for him "

You can find the detailed announcements on the official website of Team SoloMid and the Team Liquid's Facebook page.

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