Project Scorpio - developer promises 1P title

Microsoft Scorpio

For the Microsoft press conference at this year's E3 trade fair in Los Angeles on June 11, 2017, Xbox boss Phil Spencer has announced new information about the Xbox Scorpio.

The new console is currently being developed by Microsoft under the working name Scorpio. The team describes the console as technically stronger than its predecessor, Xbox One. However, little is known about concrete facts. During the announcement of the new console last year, to the annoyance of the fans, only very general technical specifications were given.

For example, the Scorpio should be the first console to allow "real" games in a 4k resolution and have realistic virtual reality capabilities. These are guaranteed by a graphic power of more than 6 teraflops.

Microsoft Scorpio - Stream in 4k without a Capturecard

The console should also allow streaming in 4k and this without an external capture card. Up until now, gaming streamers who broadcast their games on Twitch or YouTube had to rely on an extra card.

As another handy feature, Microsoft announced that all Xbox One games and accessories will be compatible. In addition, the communities of Scorpio and Xbox One are linked and can play online with or against each other. This removes a hurdle that might deter many potential customers from switching directly to the latest generation.

Nonetheless, when asked whether games like Crackdown 3 or State of Decay 2 will be available at launch, Phil Spencer responded on Twitter: "It is of critical importance to have our first party games ready for launch."

This fact has been noticeable at every major console launch over the past few years. If the top games that take advantage of the new possibilities are missing from a console release, this is clearly reflected in the sales figures. Competitor Sony does not show how hardware sales can be boosted with Playstation 3 and 4 exclusive titles.

So it's no wonder that Scorpio developer Microsoft is aware of the importance of a high-quality game offering for console launch.

An official release date for the new Scorpio console has not yet been announced. Hopefully the developers from Redmond will have more information for us at the E3 2017 press conference.

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