Overwatch Anniversary Skins and Discounts


Blizzard lets it be 2nd anniversary from Overwatch really crash, not only with new legendary skins, but also with a discount on the game itself.

In the video for the anniversary event there is not only a small overview of the planned festivities, but also a look at the 8 legendary new skins.


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The highlights:

  • New FFA Deathmatch Map Petra
  • 190 anniversary extras
  • Access to extras from past events from previous years
  • Anniversary lot boxes
  • New skins
    • Shieldmaiden Brigitte
    • Elegant Doomfist
    • Buccaneer Junkrat
    • Sherlock McCree
    • Forest spirit Orisa
    • Mage Symmetra
    • Cybjörn Torbjörn

If you want to take the opportunity to inspire your friends for Overwatch, you can expect anniversary discounts in Blizzard Shop:

  • The standard Overwatch Edition is currently available for 19.99 € instead of 39.99 € in the shop.
  • The new Legendary Edition costs only € 39.99 instead of € 59.99 at the moment.

Overwatch Legendary Edition content

Overwatch® - 5 epic and 5 legendary skins

Start your collection on a large scale and customize the look of some popular heroes. Among the 5 epic and 5 legendary skins selected are Okami for Hanzo, Shrike for Ana and Big Stranger for McCree.

Overwatch® Hero Skins

Honor the original reaction force by wearing the Origins hero skins Blackwatch-Reyes or Strike Commander Morrison. Also learn more about the origins of other heroes with the Overgrown Bastion, Head of Security Pharah and even Slipstream Tracer.

There are also a number of extras for the other games that Blizzard has to offer:

Heroes of the Storm ™ - Hero Tracer

Make a time jump into the Nexus with Tracer and play your opponents dizzy.

World of Warcraft® - Pet Baby Winston

Insanely cuddly and highly intellectual, the pet baby Winston will be by your side as you fight your way through Azeroth.

Diablo® III - Mercy's Wings

Defeat the demonic hordes in the High Heavens and Burning Hells while wearing Mercy's wings. And all of Sanctuary will know that you pledged allegiance to Overwatch!

StarCraft® II portraits and a Hearthstone® card back!

With the portraits of Tracer, Reaper, Pharah, Winston, Bastion and Soldier: 76, you are sure to become the champion of the Koprulu sector. Or play with an Overwatch card back worthy of a hero in Hearthstone!

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