Path of Exile - Delve Extension FAQ

Path of Exile

The announcement of the Delve League for Path of Exile caused quite a stir thanks to the Endless Dungeon. Today the developers have answered the most frequently asked questions.

Path of Exile - Off to the mine

Accordingly, the new Path of Exile League mechanics should already be accessible from the coast and you can do that in every zone voltaxic sulfite Find. The amount of sulfite you can carry is limited, but a full charge should be enough for a few long descents into the Azurite mine.

The sulphite not only serves as fuel for your expeditions, but you can also use it to improve your mining equipment.

The new Path of Exile expansion and the associated Delve League will be released on August 31, 2018.


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You can find the complete FAQ below:

Path of Exile - Delve FAQ

When do we first interact with the Delve content?

Already from the coast.

How rare is voltaxic sulfite?

You can find it in every area. Sometimes there are even several occurrences.

Do I need a minimum amount of Voltaxic Sulphite to enter the mine?

It takes a minimal amount of voltaxic sulfite to move the crawler to a new location, but the amount required for short descents (delves) is very small.

Is there a limit on the amount of voltaxic sulphite carried?

Yes. You can also upgrade them with Azurite, if you are not moving fast enough.

How much time can you spend in the mine, assuming the capacity of the voltaxic sulphite is fully utilized?

This depends on a few factors. But depending on the upgrade, capacity and depth you can make some longer descents (Delves) in one go if you want to use up all of your voltaxic sulphite at once.

Do you have to wait for Niko to mine the sulphite once you discover it?

No. You can click it and move on (or talk to him and enter the mine).

Can I bypass the leveling phase in other areas by spending most of my time in the mine?

No. You have to find the voltaxic sulphite in the regular game so you can descend into the mine.

Can I use Azurite for anything other than upgrading mining equipment?

Azurite can be used to upgrade mining equipment (sulphite capacity, darkness resistance, light radius), which counteracts the increasing difficulty of the lower levels. Torches (capacity, radius, duration) and dynamite (capacity, damage, radius) can also be upgraded with it. You can also stock up on more torches and dynamite directly to make the descent easier.

Niko also sells resonators at a price to make items with.

Can you trade the azurite, sulfite, torches and dynamite? Do they take up a place in the inventory?

They cannot be traded and do not take up any inventory space. They follow your own progress and are saved individually for each character.

Is mine progression based or account based?

Progress is character based. We've added some catch-up mechanics for new characters in case you don't want to deal with them during the leveling phase.

Everyone gets their unique mine

Is my mine layout different from that of other players?

Yes. Each character's mine is different. However, depending on the depth level, the same things spawn with the same rarity level. So if someone finds something cool in a certain place, then you should try your luck there too.

Can you teleport to any checkpoint in the mine?

Yes, it works the same as with waypoints.

Is the mine only unlimited at the bottom?

It is also unlimited in the lateral direction (towards the sides).

Does the mine get more challenging than maps?

Yes, even more demanding.

Is the mine a single area or are there loading screens between checkpoints?

A large area is loaded around your starting point. So if you fight your way through the mine a good bit, you will eventually come across a loading screen. In practice this is seldom the case.

How does the mine work in a group game?

Each group participant receives their own sulfite as soon as they click on it. As soon as you enter the mine, you leave a portal through which your friends can follow you. The progress of the crawler is tied to the mine owner. If the mine owner leaves the area, the crawler stops and the rest of the group cannot move any further.

Can you loot maps in the mine?

They are not part of the regular prey. However, in some cities and in certain battles you can explicitly receive cards as a reward.

Can you find Forgotten Masters or Ascendancy Exams in the mine?


Can you make a descent (Delve) twice?

Each descent can only be undertaken once (due to the loot involved), but you can return to the conquered areas to advance further into the darkness with torches. The path of the previous descent is now illuminated by a cable with light sources that the crawler has laid there.

Can I visit areas that have already been visited with the crawler?

You can again make a descent (Delve) to a connected node that you have previously completed and have you and the crawler transported there.

What if I die during a descent?

If you die, the descent has failed and you must repeat it. You will also not receive the items that the crawler picked up for you during this unsuccessful descent.

Is there a ranking list for the solo and group modes?

The ranking list for the solo mode corresponds to the ranking list for the self-sufficient game mode. The reason for this is that in the (not self-sufficient) group mode, players can get help from friends in so different ways. You can accumulate currency / items together, level faster together, help each other with difficult descents, etc. We must treat the creation of the group mode ranking as it is the case with leveling and receiving items - they can be influenced by other players will. However, this is not possible in the stand-alone game mode.

Is there a global notification when players set a new depth record?


What kind of damage does the darkness cause? How is it stacked?

This is a separate type of damage. Only defensive measures that generally reduce damage can mitigate the damage caused by darkness. The damage piles up twice per second and can therefore quickly become dangerous.

Does the radius of light on objects influence the stay in the mine?

No. The darkness suppresses natural light, so that players in the mine have no light radius.

Can the darkness resistance only be upgraded using the Delve window or can it be found as a modifier on objects?

You can only upgrade it via the Delve window (H key).

Can I use the Flicker Strike skill in the mine?

Yes, in any case. Just be aware that the darkness is yours kills.

How does darkness affect creatures and totems?

Not at all.

Does scaling affect schemes in the mine? Can we conjure up higher-level schemes as we go deeper into the mine?

The level of the schemes corresponds to the depth level in which you entered the mine. You can summon higher-level schemes in the mine.

Time to slay the dragon!


The depths of the mine have some interesting bosses and encounters in store for you 🙂

Is it possible to equip a resonator with several copies of the same fossil?


What are the rarity levels for resonators?

There are two types of resonators: chaotic and alchemical resonators. The functionality of these resonators corresponds to that of a chaos sphere and a sphere of alchemy. Each resonator has a number of sockets, while the resonators with many sockets are more difficult to find.

How rare are fossils? How often can you find them?

Most fossils are not all that rare. You will have many opportunities to create great items in this league. With some special objects this is of course more difficult than with others.

What is the difference between the keys to the relic chambers in the Delve League and the Legacy League?

The keys to the Forgotten Relic Chamber (from the Delve League) are relatively rare, but promise rather valuable rewards. The items that can be looted in the Forgotten Relic Chamber are special versions of unique items from past leagues that are not normally available (such as the 'Headhunter' belt). All 151 items have the same chance of being looted in the relic chamber.

Will there be any changes to the hideouts?

Yes, but not yet with 3.4.0. We won't be making any major changes until 3.5.0.

Will the Delve soundtrack be added to the Supporter Packs?

Yes, but we cannot give a date yet.

What items does the crawler pick up for me?

All objects that are within the light radius of the crawler.

What is the maximum speed the crawler can move?

The basic speed of the crawler is proportional to your movement speed. So if you use a mercury bottle, for example, the crawler will also be faster. The crawler will also get faster if you move ahead with movement skills. However, none of this matters too much as you should be more concerned about the monsters. The challenge is not to get left behind. You don't guide the crawler, it guides you.

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