PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS - Event mode brings armored vehicles


The newest event mode for PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS "Metal Rain”, Brings an armored vehicle into play for the first time. As part of the weekly event, you can use a signal rocket to rain the metal from the sky. Because then it will heavily armored UAZ thrown off for you.

The game mode consists of 8 man teams based on the Erangel Find the map on the fight for survival. The signal rockets are located at random prey locations and are no longer static. If you have found one of the signal pistols, you can fire it in a white safety zone. Thereupon be Care packages thrown off.

Fire the signal outside a white security zone, then the special vehicle, the armored UAZ, is dropped.

You can find the complete rules for the event below:


This week's event mode is an eight-man battle royale on Erangel. The twist? You can use flare guns to call down huge, heavily-armored UAZs.

Check below for the full details, and let us know what you think about this mode!


  • STARTS: April 19, 7pm PDT / April 20, 4am CEST / April 20, 11AM KST
  • ENDS: April 22, 7pm PDT / April 23, 4am CEST / April 23, 11AM KST


  • 8-Man Squads on Erangel (All Regions)
  • NA / EU / AS / SEA / OC: TPP & FPP
  • KR / JP / SA: TPP


  • Flare guns spawn randomly alongside normal loot locations (flare gun spawn spots are no longer fixed)
  • When shot inside the safe zone (white circle), special care packages will be dropped
  • When shot outside the safe zone, a special vehicle — the armored UAZ — will be dropped


  • This mode is limited to eight-man squads on Erangel, and you can invite up to seven friends.
  • Auto-matching can be turned on or off (you don't have to play as a full squad of eight if you don't want to)
  • The mode is limited to 96 maximum players (12 teams of eight players)
  • Redzone is enabled
  • Regular care package drops are enabled
  • Killer spectating is enabled
  • Bluezone rules are the same as standard public match settings
  • Weather changes dynamically throughout each match
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