PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS - Fight against cheaters slows development


In the newest Developer Blog PC 1.0 Update #6, the PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS team explains how the "war" against cheaters and hackers slows down the rest of development.

PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS - Endless fight against cheaters

The reason for this is the announced feature of setting up a maximum ping, i.e. latency / delay, to the server. So it would have one too indirect region lock given. Because the discussion and the fans' demand for one never ends. Since the Chinese players in particular cause strife on the American and European servers with hacks & cheats, many players believe that these should be limited to their region.

One Maximum ping would have a similar effect, because due to the distance from Asia to the local server, the ping for 99% of players from this region would probably be too high.

However, the developers are first going a different way and sharing the selection of players depending on the latency to the server. Players with very good ping will then have priority when creating the match.

This method is to be tested in some regions over the next few days.

The delay in new features is also discussed. The focus on anti-cheater measures has pushed them into the background. So far there is no planned one Roadmap for 2018. March was named as the new date for the presentation of the plans and the players asked for patience.

The patch notes of the current PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS You can find updates below:



  • Replaced some fences in Miramar to unbreakable fences or walls in order to optimize the client.


  • When the player is riding in the airplane, they will no longer be able to see the inside of the airplane. This is to improve the early game client and server performance
    • Other players will be visible once they jump out of the airplane
    • When riding the airplane, you can check the number of remaining passengers via the new UI element at the bottom left of the screen


  • When reporting someone through the replay system, we now receive a 1 minute replay file centered on the point of your report
    • It is impossible to report through a replay file which has been created longer than a week ago
    • It is impossible to report the same player multiple times in the same replay file

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the issue where the player would die from falling when vaulting and climbing
  • Fixed the issue where after reconnecting to the game, the player would get a glitched view when using ADS on their weapon
  • We fixed the issue where the player didn't receive any damage after entering a vehicle from a prone position and then exiting while the vehicle was moving
  • Fixed the issue where after entering the vehicle (passenger seat) from prone position and using heal / boost items, the player was shown using the items in prone position instead of sitting down


  • Made changes to prevent the reduced heal / boost time cheat
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