Red Dead Redemption 2 - More details about the upcoming hit

Red Dead Redemption 2

After this yesterday the 3rd story trailer to Red Dead Redemption 2 was published, the colleagues from IGN now had the opportunity for a first look at the new western game.

The 17 minute video is in English, but we have summarized the most important facts for you.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Highlights

  • The card leaked last year was real, but not ready.
  • It is possible to play poker again, but no details as to whether Blackjack & Co will also be playable.
  • RDR2 will be playing in the Blackwater area.
  • Approaching NPCs with guns drawn makes them nervous or aggressive. Weapon in the holster ensures a friendlier or more passive reaction.
  • Some NPCs can even be robbed by intimidating them with a gun drawn.
  • Depending on how the fire button is pressed, our hero shoots differently.
  • Much more realism, how NPC interactions or how the catering affects the mood in your camp.
  • Providing the camp with water, food and horses etc. is an important part. The better your camp is equipped, the better your gang functions.
  • You will be able to make friends with your horse, the better the relationship, the more they can carry or behave better / calmer in battle.
  • Different areas like swamps, snow, deserts and busy cities.
  • Hunting, skinning and gutting animals is part of the game.
  • A clean kill ensures that the leather is worth more. If you cut the poor animal up with a shotgun, the fur is naturally gone.
  • The honor system is back.
  • There are not only the big robberies, but also the small mini robberies, which are also possible solo, without the complete gang.

So much for a brief overview of the features known so far. Hopefully Rockstar Games will reveal more details about the gameplay soon.


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