Shadow of the Tomb Raider - announcement trailer and information about the Season Pass

Shadow of the Tomb Raider

After we talked about the Leaks to Shadow of the Tomb Raider reported, Square Enix and Eidos Montreal officially unveiled the latest Lara Croft adventure today. There was also an unveiling trailer showing Lara in the middle of the action.

As reported Lara ends up in the jungle this time Mayans. Thanks to the typical Tomb Raider "luck", she stumbles straight into a human sacrifice ceremony and comes just in time to stop the high priest.

But check out the trailer for yourself before we spoil more.

The release date for Shadow of the Tomb Raider is September 14th has been announced. The game appears on all common platforms such as Xbox One, Xbox One X, PlayStation 4, PS4 Pro, PC. In contrast to the last two parts, this time a different development team is behind the game.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Story

As shown, the story is about Mayans and their prophecies. Who still remembers, according to the Maya calendar, the world should have ended in 2012. The postponed apocalypse is probably in the house again and only Lara Croft stands in her way. If it is successful, the trilogy of "new" Lara Croft games is complete and it is finally officially one again Tomb Raider.

As in the movie and part 2 "Rise of the Tomb Raider", the actress is behind Lara Camilla Luddington. She gives the heavily armed archaeologist her voice and shape.

The also announced Season Pass includes 7 DLCs!

The Season Pass features seven new adventures called “Paths,” with each path including a new story, new missions, challenge grave, new weapon, new outfit and new ability. The first challenge grave also introduces the new co-op functionality. And finally, owners of the Season Pass also receive a weapon, an outfit and an ability exclusively on the day of publication! "

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