The Elder Scrolls Online - New expansion Summerset

The Elder Scrolls Online - Summerset

The newest The Elder Scrolls Online Extension Summerset will be released on June 5th and can already be played in Early Access. The expansion allows the players to explore the old home of the high elves Sommersend for the first time and to face a dark danger there.

“For the first time in history, the long-closed borders of Summerset are opened to strangers by order of Queen Ayrenn. But darkness is brewing over the ancient home of the high elves and there are rumors of Daedric entourage gathering in the shadows. Gather your allies, brave champions. Summer end is waiting.

Explore a whole new area full of adventure. Join the mysterious Psijic Order and receive powerful new skills. Meet old friends again, forge new alliances and work together to uncover a conspiracy that threatens Tamriel's very existence. "

The Elder Scrolls Online - New skills, new dangers

In addition to the Daedric danger, you are also threatened with hostility from the traditional high elves, who do not value your presence and pursue their own plans. This is where the new skills that your adventurers can learn from the Psjik Order come in handy.

The headquarters of the Order is on an island that has disappeared for centuries and for the first time you are allowed one The Elder Scrolls Game to enter this. Joining the order opens up a new skill line with active / passive and of course a new ultimate ability.

And that's not all there is a new 12 player exam: Cloud rest, jewelry making and new vaults, dungeons and other adventures. New cities invite you to explore as well as challenges and the rumors about treasures in dungeons.

The Elder Scrolls Online - Summerset will be released on June 5th. Whoever strikes directly not only receives an additional mount, but also direct full access to the expansion.

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