Vampyr developers announce release date


The development team at DONTNOD has closed with the 4th part of its web series Vampire, announced the release date of the Action-RPG.

To get in the mood for the world of Vampyr, fans could look forward to 3 videos in the last few weeks. There were insights into the game, the designers told background information and presented their latest work.

Vampyr - The Web Series

Part 1: Making Monsters


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Part 2: Architects of the Obscure


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3rd part: Human after all


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4th part: Stories from the Dark


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Vampyr - The vampire doctor who is supposed to save London

The action role-playing game in which we play the role of Dr. Jonathan Reid hatch, should already last year appear, but then had to be postponed. As a doctor we face a particular dilemma; actually we should fight it Plague dedicate that haunted London. Instead, our thirst for blood forces us to suck out the very ones we actually want to save. Especially the moral decisions should challenge the player in Vampyr and also provide replay value.

Depending on who we choose as victim / food, this should have far-reaching effects. The residents of London are by one dense network of relationships connected with each other. Conversations with characters in London have just as much impact as choosing who should live and die. Take the effort and take the time to get one gangster finds to quench the thirst for blood? Or do you grab the first family that you come across and treat yourself to the neighbors for dessert?

Such decisions not only give the London in Vampyr realism, but also make it easier or more difficult to cope with our tasks. The DONTNOD development team has already gained extensive experience with difficult decisions in games. The very successful episode adventure Life is strange also comes from her studio.

Vampire will be released on June 5, 2018 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

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