World of Warcraft - June 26th update

World of Warcraft

With the last update for World of Warcraft brings developer Blizzard additional rewards for heroic instances.

Since the patch on June 26th, every player gets 5 swirling essences daily for the first completion of a heroic legion dungeon.

The raid encounter "Sisters of the Moon" was also fixed. From now on it should no longer be possible to have several sisters at the same time active will. On the other hand, the bug was also fixed that all sisters at the same time inactive could become

You can find the full patch notes at the end of the article.

With the Raid Preview and Schedule: The Tomb of Sargeras has given Blizzard once again an overview of the new raid. This also includes the "timetable":

Wednesday June 21st - Normal and Heroic difficulty will be made available.
Wednesday June 28th - The Mythic Difficulty and Raid Finder Wing - The Gates of Hell (Goroth, Harjatan, Mistress Sassz'ine) - will be made available.
Wednesday July 12th - Raid Finder wing two - The Wailing Halls (Demonic Inquisition, Sisters of the Moon, Desolate Host) - will be made available.
Wednesday July 26th - The third wing of the Raid Finder - The Chamber of the Avatar (Vigilant Maiden, Avatar of Sargeras) - will be made available.
Wednesday August 9 - Raid Finder Wing Four - Demise of the Deceiver (Kil'jaeden) will be made available.

You can find more details on Blizzard's World of Warcraft homepage find.

World of Warcraft patch notes June 26th

Dungeons & Raids

  • The first completion of a heroic dungeon in legion Now reward yourself daily with 5 swirling essence, if you are eligible for this reward.
  • The tomb of Sargeras
    • Sisters of the moon
      • Captain Yathae Moonstalk no longer targets companions with 'Quick Shot'. That is below their dignity.
      • Several sisters should not be active at the same time.
      • All sisters should not become inactive at the same time.
    • The desolate host
      • Players should no longer be in combat for up to a minute after it has already ended.
    • Kil'jaeden
      • Kil'jaeden no longer spins while casting Bursting Dread Flame.
      • Shaman totems no longer miss target if the player who summoned them is affected by Illidan's Blind Gaze during Kil'jaeden's second interruption.


  • Illusion: The Cold of Death is now in the Bag of Chilled Goods instead of the Ice Box. The item is no longer included in the satchel with refrigerated goods.
  • Fixed a bug that caused multiple versions of the Al'Abas Lamp to increase the yield of Pickpocket.
  • Fixed a bug where upgrading heirlooms from the Battle of Orgrimmar would change their stats and give the impression that they could be used at level 1.
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