As a classic World of Warcraft Fan you should maybe buy a BlizzCon ticket this year, because it comes with a demo access to World of Warcraft Classic.
World of Warcraft Classic Demo at BlizzCon
Like World of Warcraft Game Director Ion Hazzikostas and executive producer J. Allen Brack announced in a video shortly after the BlizzCon opening ceremony, the download with the same WoW Classic version that visitors can test live at BlizzCon. In this way, the audience can start right away, at least those in possession of the virtual ticket.

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Players can expect 2 possible zones, one for the Alliance and one for the Horde with limited quest options. These are supposed to be rather early zones, which means that the level is rather low. Access to this demo version should last until November 8th at 6 p.m. CET. Since BlizzCon starts on November 2nd at around 9 p.m. CET, you'll have a good 6 days to indulge in nostalgia.
The happy BlizzCon visitors who are there can also start the demo from their home PC for a few more days. In addition to the demo, BlizzCon visitors and buyers of the virtual ticket will also receive in-game cosmetic items. With these war mantles and war banners you can show your colors for your faction.
There is of course also a video of the new items:

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