In the Q&A livestream, World of Warcraft developer Ion Hazzikosta answered a lot of questions and revealed a lot of information about patch 7.2.
Below is a brief overview with translation:
The Tomb of Sargeras will be published in mid to late June.
Artifact challenges:
- Equipment is a crucial factor in World of Warcraft
- The Timewalking Events normalize players of all levels so that they can experience adventures together
- Since the challenges do not scale, this means that everyone will have access to them in the longer term.
- Being one of the first to tackle the challenges with minimal equipment is a prestige project for enthusiasts.
- Initially, many people who “only” own Crypt or Argus equipment will not make it, but in the long run everyone will enjoy it.
- The team didn't have the capacity to create 36 challenges, but is very happy with the ones that came up.
Broken Isles & Flies
- The team would have liked to include additional requirements. Like contributing to buildings or killing elite monsters, something that you would have achieved over a longer period of time.
- Everyone you see flying at the moment has faced the outside world challenges of Legion and thus earned the ability to fly.
- There are no plans to shut down the invasions anytime soon.
- Had the invasion success been necessary for the flight ability, it would have been rather annoying. Nobody wants to get up at 3 a.m. for an invasion.
- Time wandering wouldn't be fun anymore if it were permanently available.
Broken shoreline buildings
- Contrary to the expectations of the team, the contributions have not decreased so far.
- Should this change, the team will adjust the raw materials required.
Time gating
- This is necessary to be able to tell a compelling story that drives the Alliance and Horde together towards the finale.
- Unlocking the Sargeras Crypt with the release of 7.2 would have made no sense as world history was not yet ready.
- The team admits that they didn't plan the release of the individual stories and gameplay elements as well as they would have liked. This should work better in the future.
World of Warcraft Patch 7.2 Content size
- In terms of added quests, creatures, text and other things, 7.2 was a very big patch.
- More language lines have been added for 7.2 than any previous extension.
- The development team asks at this point what the players would like to see more, for example whether small content such as the island of thunder story questline is sufficient?
Sargeras test tomb
There will be more tests for LFR, Heroic and Mythic in the coming weeks
Class mounts
As soon as you have completed the Legionfall campaigns, you switch your class mount Friday
Cross-realm zones
The team is aware of the lag and latency problems and they want to fix them. With the start of Legion, a new "sharding" technology was installed, which is why the start went so smoothly.
Heirloom upgrades are planned for patch 7.2.5.
Legendary item upgrades
- With the release of the crypt, the item level will be increased by 30 for everything.
- New legendary items will drop at level 970 and can be improved via quest.
- Legendary upgrade items will drop immediately without having to accept a quest beforehand.
- The upgrade item will increase the item from 910 to 970.
Black Temple Timewalking
- This is linked to the Burning Crusade Timewalking Event.
- The team would like to have a timewalking raid for each event
- Which raid would you like to see in the respective expansions?
Horde story
- Now that Vol'jin is dead, what update do you want?
- Stories are told as it makes sense in the world of World of Warcraft.
- The team found the time fit to complete this episode of Allianz history.
- There is no need to be symmetrical and no story will be told that doesn't fit.
- The Horde had an extra cutscene at the beginning of the Broken Shore.
Weapons illusions
- One will not be able to apply illusions to the artifact weapons.
- For artistic reasons, this decision was made very early on
- Visual effects have to be attached to certain points on a weapon and would therefore severely limit the possibilities of design.
If you want to see the full video on Twitch, you can find it on the official World of Warcraft Channel.