World of Warcraft - Hotfix 5 and 9 October

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After the bigger hotfix updates there were 2 smaller ones this week World of Warcraft Patches. There were only a few adjustments in PvP, a fix for the Heart of Azeroth and changes to Uldir bosses.

In the Uldir raid, whose 3. Wings now also in the raid finder is available, one of the middle garbage chutes has been locked on the mythical level of difficulty. So the mutated masses only come out of one shaft.

The detailed patch notes of the 2nd hotfixes can be found below:

World of Warcraft Hotfixes October 9, 2018

Raids & Dungeons

  • Uldir
    • Putrid devourer
      • Mutated masses now only appear from one of the two middle garbage chutes on the Mythic difficulty level.
    • G'huun
      • Players can now use spells and abilities while holding the energy matrix on Mythic difficulty.
      • Dark Trade no longer provides mind control in Raid Finder mode.


  • Justice for the Fallen: Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented players from gaining progress when using the glaive during G'huun's death animation.

World quests

  • Envoy Chests can now contain Azerite armor up to item level 370.

Creatures & NPCs

  • Chronicler Ash'tari in Dazar'alor now offers the option to switch between the loa statues of Krag'wa and Bwonsamdi.


  • Death knight
    • Unholy
      • Conversion of a festering wound to a necrotic wound by the PvP Talent Necrotic Strike now properly grants the Azerite bonus "Pus Power".

World of Warcraft - Hotfix October 5, 2018


  • Heart of Azeroth
    • Retaliatory Fury will now also activate from abilities cast on friendly targets.


  • Villain
    • Assassination
      • The radius increase of Fan Dagger granted by the PvP Talent 'Flying Daggers' no longer stacks with the Azerite Bonus 'Blade Fan'.
      • The effectiveness of the Azerite bonus 'Blade Fan' has been reduced by 75 % in PvP.
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