World of Warcraft - August 24th hotfix

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In the latest hotfix round for World of Warcraft it's all about customizing the Azerite Traits. Here the damage has been reduced almost entirely.

You can see in detail below whether and to what extent your class is affected.

There were also a number of fixed quests and the World of Warcraft team also took on the World Quests.

You can find the complete German patch notes below:

World of Warcraft - Hotfixes August 24, 2018

Azerite Traits

  • Double Incineration (Mage) damage reduced by 50 %.
  • Electrifying Spark (Mage) bonus damage for Arcane Blast reduced by 10 %.
  • Strike Twelve (Druid) damage reduced by 52 %.
  • Inevitable Demise (Warlocks) no longer incorrectly increases Thief of Soul damage.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Justified Defense (Paladin) to display two separate buff icons.
  • Pressure Point (Monk) damage to Brewmaster reduced by 60 %. Mistweaver damage reduced by 28.5 %.
  • Spinning Blades (Demon Hunters) now reduces the cost of the next Blade Dance by 3 Fury per enemy hit (was 5 Fury).
  • Seismic Wave (Warrior) damage reduced by 58 %.
  • Hidden Choking (Rogue) damage reduced by 11 %. Fixed a bug that was not dealing bonus damage as intended.
  • Rushing River (Shaman) healing reduced by 30 %.
  • Chaos Unleashed (Demon Hunter) damage reduced by 53 %.


  • Death knight
    • Howling Blast's area damage now only deals damage in line of sight.
    • Breakout's explosion damage now only deals damage in line of sight.
  • Druid
    • Quick Landing now works as intended in travel form. The Movement Speed bonus now stacks with that of the Travel Form.


  • The Siege of Boralus
    • The water around the Ash Breeze Docks is now teeming with bloodthirsty sharks!


  • The damage of the tiny electromentar in the glass has been increased by 233 %.
  • The rate at which Storm Power Strike is triggered has been increased by 100 %.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the periodic damage effect from Darkmoon Card Set: Squalls from being affected by speed or critical strike value. Haste now increases the frequency with which it is triggered and the periodic damage effect can now critically hit.
  • Lower tier area bound items when equiped will now properly scale when dropped by creatures.

Island expeditions

  • Shrine effects from island expeditions now only apply to island expedition maps.
  • Island Expedition consumables now have less of an impact on PvP targets.


  • Falstad and Valtrois now properly increase the chance of success in missions with all types of squads.


  • Blackrock Depths will now properly be available after completing the War Campaign and achieving Exalted reputation with the 7th Legion.
  • Vision of Time is now properly available after completing the War Campaign and achieving Exalted reputation with the Honorbound.
  • When submitting the quest “They want us alive” the antidote is now removed from the inventory.
  • Many "Wanted" quests on the opposing continent now grant reputation for the 7th Legion or the Honorbound. These quests have been reset for players who have already completed them.
  • During "Offensive Defensive" the flight route no longer goes through a tree.

World quests

  • During “Bridgehead”, malicious albatrosses devour the turtles in a more splendid way to look at ... Avoid your eyes, which are tender!
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the egg to disappear when fighting Vukuba during Strange Egg.
  • Horde scouts no longer interfere as aggressively during Continued Interference.


  • The Temple of Akunda and Vulpera Hideout no longer provide recovery to Alliance members.
  • The tavern in the Dead Flood now provides relaxation.
  • Nettsen's dining room in Stormsong Valley now provides relaxation.
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