World of Warcraft - Hotfixes February 9th

World of Warcraft

The worst nightmare of all women has been with the last World of Warcraft Fixed patches: Nightborne women's hairstyles are correct again!

"Fixed an issue where some nightborne female hairstyles would not display scalp texture when wearing a full helmet."

Furthermore fixed Blizzard a mistake by the low-level nightborn Shal'Aran could leave too early. And therefore threatened a cruel fate.

In the update that was played today, it was again about the nightborn, this time it was ensured that the face texture in the game corresponds to the one selected in the character creation. In addition, you can Hunters and magicians be happy about a buff. In animal mastery, all damage done is increased by 2.5%. Fire magicians can look forward to more damage from 3%.

The complete German World of Warcraft Patch notes you can find below:

World of Warcraft Hotfixes - February 6, 2018


  • Nightborne faces now correctly match the face texture players selected during character creation or at the barber shop.


[During the maintenance work in each region]

  • Hunter
    • Animal domination
      • All damage dealt increased by 2.5 %.
      • The Serpent Stalker's Camo set bonus now causes Kill Orders to reduce the cooldown of Aspect of the Wild by 3 seconds (was 2.5 seconds).
  • magician
    • Fire
      • All damage dealt increased by 3 %.
  • Sorcerer
    • Ailments
      • Corruption and Agony damage reduced by 6 %.
      • Tartarus now increases healing received from Soul Thief by 3 % per rank (up from 10 %).

Dungeons & Raids

  • The court of the stars
    • Void Elves and Nightborne can now use the Magic Lantern in the Court of Stars dungeon.
  • Antorus, the Burning Throne
    • Argus the disorder
      • [As part of maintenance in each region] Immunities no longer prevent Judgment of Sargeras from being applied, but they can reduce the damage over time. 'Judgment of the Sargeras' will only target two players with each mission.


  • Hunter
    • Animal domination
      • PvP agility template reduced by 2.5 %.
  • magician
    • Fire
      • PvP intelligence template decreased by 3 %.
  • Sorcerer
    • Ailments
      • Corruption and Agony damage remains unchanged in PvP.
      • Tartarus' healing remains unchanged in PvP.


  • Fixed a bug that caused wildlife to move faster than intended in garrison stable quests.

World of Warcraft Hotfixes February 2nd


  • Fixed a bug that prevented some nightborne female hairstyles from displaying scalp texture when wearing a full helmet.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Gordon MacKellar to disappear too quickly.
  • Oculeth has heard that some reckless nightborns left Shal'Aran before they were ready. He will now save low level players from their terrible fate by returning them to Shal'Aran if they want to leave the area.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented recently upgraded Assassins and Unholy Death Knights from receiving their second artifact quest line.
  • monk
    • Casting Storm, Earth, and Fire twice in a row no longer incorrectly consumes both charges.


  • Multiple players can now make progress on the quest "Seeing is Understanding" in Stonetalon Mountains at the same time.
  • The difficulty of the quest "In the Skog Cave" on Frostfire Ridge has been reduced.
  • In the quest "Game for the Troops" in Azshara you can now find a slice of game more often.
  • In the quest "Water Elementals" in Northern Stranglethorn Vale you will now encounter more water elementals.
  • "Fight on all fronts" is no longer required for the campaign of insurrection.
  • The quest "Gorat's Retribution" in Ashenvale now has a better way of highlighting where Gorat is.


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