Druids are in a somewhat strange situation at the moment, the Jadegolem decks that have prevailed so far have not added anything new in Journey to Un'goro. The Druid Quest map isn't really that strong, so what is today's Druid playing in the leaderboard? That's what this Hearthstone Guide is all about and shows you an aggro druid with the new Living Mana card.
Hearthstone Guide to the Aggro Druid
Druids have many powerful buffs such as Sign of the Lotus, Power of the Wild, and Wild Roar. So bring as many servants as possible onto the board, buff them and overrun the enemy.
If everything goes well, many games are over after 3-5 rounds, so practical for the game in between.
If the players go a little longer, Living Mana ensures a strong attack, your opponent has to deal with up to 7 2/2 servants twice.
Key cards
Wild roar - make your horde mini servants with 1 attack at a time 3 attack beasts, with only 3-4 servants on the board that's 9-12 extra damage that you deal.
Signs of the Lotus and Match of the Wild give permanent + 1 / +1 and make your servants a little more stable.
Bloodsail Corsair, Hungry Crab and Golakka Crawler fulfill two functions. On the one hand there are cheap servants that you can play early, on the other hand they counter the predominant deck types like Murloc Shaman / Paladin and Pirate Warrior.
You can also feed Golakka crawlers with your bloodsail corsairs if the situation permits.
The bittertide hydra is an 8/8 creature for only 5 mana, the disadvantage of which is of little importance to you. If your opponent really starts to hit the hydra with minor damage instead of killing it completely, you have almost won. He can't take 8 damage per round for long. Very rarely should you hold back with the Hydra when you are playing against a hunter and already have 4-5 small creatures on the board. Then a "Let go of the dogs!" Could surprise you badly.
A special feature of the Vicious Young Animal card should be mentioned here that does not always catch the eye of everyone. If the young animal mutates and you have Wind Wrath to choose from, you can attack again directly and get a second mutation.
Muligan - starting hand selection
Hungry crabs or Golakka crawlers against Murloc shaman / paladin and pirate warriors.
Otherwise, Bloodsail Corsair is a strong start as it summons Captain Googly Eye for extra damage.
Living mana is the only really expensive card and you want to win quickly with this deck, so rather send it back.
Example deck:
2x {tooltip}Stimulate{end-text}{end-tooltip}
2x {tooltip}Enchanted raven{end-text}{end-tooltip}
2x {tooltip}Sign of the lotus{end-text}{end-tooltip}
2x {tooltip}Y'Shararrj's time{end-text}Hearthst{end-tooltip}
2x {tooltip}Power of the wild{end-text}{end-tooltip}
2x {tooltip}Wild Roar{end-text}{end-tooltip}
1x {tooltip}Swipe{end-text}{end-tooltip}
2x {tooltip}Living mana{end-text}{end-tooltip}
2x {tooltip}Bloodsail Corsair{end-text}{end-tooltip}
2x {tooltip}Fire devil{end-text}{end-tooltip}
2x {tooltip}Hungry crab{end-text}{end-tooltip}
1x {tooltip}Captain Googly Eye{end-text}{end-tooltip}
2x {tooltip}Golakka crawlers{end-text}{end-tooltip}
2x {tooltip}House spider{end-text}{end-tooltip}
2x {tooltip}Vicious cub{end-text}{end-tooltip}
2x {tooltip}Bittertide hydra{end-text}{end-tooltip}
Deck list for direct import into the Hearthstone client
Just copy it and go to Collection -> Create new deck with the code in the clipboard:
AAEBAZICAkCRvAIO9wO7A / 4B5gXlB8GrAqeyArazAs27Aq / CAobBAuTCAuvCAp / CAgA =
If you are missing some cards, you can of course always exchange them, just make sure that you still have enough servants with death rattles in the deck. For example, Harvest Golem, Twilight Summoner, or Inified Tauren are good substitutes. Even a Barnes works well with the many death rattle servants. Ysera is strong against other priest decks.
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