League of Legends - Riot Points are getting more expensive in the UK

League of Legends

Who knows whether Brexit would have come through if the English League of Legends players would have suspected that their riot points would be 20% more expensive as a result. Since the decision on Brexit, the British pound has become significantly weaker and since no improvement is in sight, Riot Games has now decided to adjust the prices.

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This means that the prices for Riot Points in England will be increased by 20% from July 25th. This is a one-time adjustment to the changed currency differential.

Price PointOldNew
£5975 RP790 RP
£102075 RP1650 RP
£15New2525 RP
£204200 RP3350 RP
£357450 RP5950 RP
£5010700 RP8600 RP


Unfortunately, this will certainly not be the only price increase for English players, other providers of virtual currencies or items will certainly follow suit in the long run.

You can find the official explanation below:

Overall Change and Context

Last June, the UK voted to leave the European Union, triggering a drop in the value of the pound relative to other global currencies, particularly the US dollar. This change meant that while UK players were spending the same number of pounds on RP as before, players elsewhere in the world were paying a lot more in comparison.

Like a lot of companies who sell digital content, we monitored the situation closely over several months to see whether the pound would recover, but it's been over a year now and we feel we've reached the point where a price change is necessary to restore parity.

In order to do that, we will be raising the price of RP by 20% on 25th July 2017 at 23:59 BST. This is a one-time change to restore balance in RP pricing around the world. None of your existing purchases will be affected.

We'll be keeping the old RP prices in store until July 25th, and any RP purchased now will be unaffected by the price change. The cost of champions, skins and other items will not change after the RP price adjustment, so any RP you buy now at the lower price will still unlock the same amount of content next month as it does today. [More]

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