Summer Games Done Quick - Over 1.7 million donations

Summer Games Done Quick

With a record result this weekend the Speedrun marathon Summer Games Done Quick over. about $ 1.7 million could be collected for a good cause in the one week event.

The event thus reached the second highest sum ever collected in a Games Done Quick event, only at the beginning of the year with the winter variant Awesome Games Done Quick was collected 2.2 million more.

For a whole week, around the clock, the best speed runners in the world showed how to finish games in record time. Clever routes through the game worlds to save a few seconds. Precisely calculated fighting tactics for bosses and the incredible skill of the players made for many exciting demonstrations. The whole thing was loosened up by the craziest actions:

  • The runner for Diablo 2 sat in front of the camera in chain mail
  • Nier: Automata Runner "Halfcoordinated" played with just one hand
  • Portal 2 cooperation mode without partner
  • Singing was offered at the Kingdom Hearts Run

These were just some of the actions this year. But each run offered commentary and explanation about the games and the tricks. The almost 8-hour Final Fantasy 7 was an experience with tons of information and jokes.

If you still want to watch some of the games, give up Reddit a thread with all Twitch VoDs. In addition, all runs are still on the Games Done Quick YouTube Channel uploaded.

Summer Games Done Quick helps Doctors Without Borders

The incredible sum was in favor of Doctors without Borders collected. Doctors Without Borders is an organization founded in 1971 that has set itself the task of providing medical aid in crisis and war zones. In addition to deployments in disaster areas, civil wars and the refugee crisis in Europe in recent years, Doctors Without Borders is also striving for prevention. For example, the Campaign for access to essential medicines. Gor in developing countries in Africa, millions of people, mostly children, die every year from curable infectious diseases. In our western countries, these are no longer a problem due to the basic supply of medicines, but there they still cause unbelievable numbers of victims.

In 1999 the organization became the Nobel Peace Prize awarded.

So the $ 1.7 million donated as part of Summer Games Done Quick 2017 goes to a really good cause. The next speed run event is in a few weeks European Speedrunner Assembly, which takes place in Sweden with over 400 participants and for Save the Children Collects donations.

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