Hearthstone Guide - Knights of the Frost Throne Death Knight Warlock Deck

Hearthstone Guide Warlocks

The Hearthstone Extension "Knight of the Frozen Throne“(RdF) is here and brings a completely new game element with the death knight cards. The death knight cards not only give you armor and a battle cry effect, but also change your hero and his hero skills.
D revolves around the death knight Blood Reaver Gul'danhis Hearthstone Guide for the Warlock Control Deck that is currently very popular.

Hearthstone Guide to the Knights of the Frost Throne Death Knight Warlock Control Deck

Hearthstone Witcher Guide - Blood Reaver Gul'danBecomes Blood Reaver Gul'dan Once played, he resuscitates all of the friendly demons who died in the game. Accordingly, it is important to have some strong demons in the deck, which are then revived. The new hero ability does 3 damage with deprivation of life and together with your demon army ensures a quick end of the game.
The rest of the deck is mainly concerned with maintaining control of the field and eliminating all of the opponent's servants. about Soul withdrawal and Seer of the Earthen Ring you keep your life points up and at the same time you can play the happy ghoul for free.

Hearthstone Guide - Happy Ghoul

With the expansion, Blizzard has also given the Warlocks some new tools for mass extermination of servants. For example Desecrate, that can trigger a chain reaction with skillful use and the Evil Dread Lordwhose effect only hits the enemy.

Mulligan - starting hand selection

The meta (i.e. the most played decks on the leaderboard) is still pretty much changing at the moment. That's why it is relatively difficult to assess the opponent, but Leerwandler, master of mixtures, worldly fears are good cards to keep in your starting hand. If it is foreseeable that your opponent is playing an aggressive deck with many servants such as murlocs or pirates, try to keep a Desecrate + Tainted Zealot.

Decklist - Blood Reaver Gul'dan

2x {tooltip}Worldly fears{end-text}Hearthstone Witcher Guide - Worldly Fears {end-tooltip}

2x {tooltip}Master of the mixtures{end-text}Hearthstone Guide - Mastermind of Concoctions {end-tooltip}

2x {tooltip} Voidwalker{end-text}Hearthstone Guide - Void Shifter {end-tooltip}

2x {tooltip}Tainted Zealot {end-text}Hearthstone Guide - Besmirched Zealot {end-tooltip}

2x {tooltip}Desecrate {end-text}Hearthstone Witcher Guide - Desecrate {end-tooltip}

2x {tooltip}soul stealer{end-text}Hearthstone Witcher Guide - Soul Thief{end-tooltip}

2x {tooltip}Happy ghoul{end-text}Hearthstone Guide - Happy Ghoul {end-tooltip}

2x {tooltip}Shadow lightning{end-text}Hearthstone Witcher Guide - Shadow Lightning {end-tooltip}

2x {tooltip}Seer of the Earthen Ring{end-text}Hearthstone Guide - Seer of the Earthen Ring {end-tooltip}

2x {tooltip}Hellfire{end-text}Hearthstone Guide - Hellfirer {end-tooltip}

2x {tooltip}Evil Dread Lord{end-text}Hearthstone Witcher Guide - Evil Dreadlord {end-tooltip}

2x {tooltip}Dread Hell Beast{end-text}Hearthstone Guide Warlock - Dread Hell Beast {end-tooltip}

2x {tooltip}Soul withdrawal{end-text}Hearthstone Guide - Soul Extract {end-tooltip}

2x {tooltip}Abyssal Enforcer{end-text}Hearthstone Guide Wizard - Abyssal Enforcer {end-tooltip}

1x {tooltip}Lich King{end-text}The Lich King {end-tooltip}

1x {tooltip}Blood Reaver Gul'dan{end-text}Hearthstone Witcher Guide - Blood Reaver Gul'dan {end-tooltip}

Decklist for direct import into the Hearthstone client:

Just copy it and go to Collection -> Create new deck with the code in the clipboard:

AAECAf0GAsLOApfTAg4wkge2B / sHxAjMCPMM3bwC3sQC58sCos0C980Cn84Cl + gCAA ==

There are now a number of variants, especially if you are missing some cards. For example, there is another strong demon with the Doom Guard. Thanks to the onslaught, this can attack immediately after the Gul'dan is revived and inflict 5 damage at a time.
If you follow the path of the Doom Guard, you can also rebuild the deck and benefit from the discard effects with Malchezaar's Gnome etc.

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