World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth - Presale begins and gives access to 4 new races

World of Warcraft

Until the new one World of Warcraft Extension "Battle for Azeroth“There is still some time left in the summer, but it is already possible to purchase the game in advance. With the purchase you already have access to 4 of the new playable races.

High Mountain Tauren, Lightforged Draenei, Void Elves and Nightborn you can after purchasing Battle for Azeroth win in advance for your group. Depending on the race, a certain faction call for revered, as well as the fulfillment of a success, is necessary. Then you can start the quest to win the respective race for you and thus the possibility to create characters with this race.

As a special bonus there is a unique one Traditional armor set of the new race when you level up to 110. No upgrades, changes of factions or people may be used, and no levels may be obtained via the “Recruit a Friend” program. So the character has to be played through from level 20 to 110, what thanks to the new, scalable world should be much more pleasant.

Of course, all new races also have their own racial abilities:


Folk abilities of the high mountain tauren

  • Take it easy: Charge forward and knock opponents to the ground.
  • Mountaineer: Increases versatility.
  • Pride of the Ironhorn: Increases mining skill and speed.
  • Indestructible Toughness: Reduces damage taken.
  • Don't let anything go to waste: chance to get more meat and fish.

Nightborne Racial Skills

  • Ancient Tales: Increases Inscription Skill.
  • Magic Affinity: Increases magic damage dealt.
  • Necessity makes inventive: conjures up a flying book that functions as a mailbox.
  • Arcane Pulse: Deals damage and slows nearby enemies.
  • Arcane Resistance: Reduces Arcane damage taken.


Lightforged Draenei racial abilities

  • Forge of Light: Increases your blacksmithing skill and allows you to summon an anvil.
  • Holy Resistance: Reduces Holy damage taken.
  • Judgment of Light: Inflicts powerful Holy damage in an area.
  • Reckoning of Light: Unleashes an explosion of light upon death. Inflicts Holy damage to nearby enemies and heals allies.

Void Elves Racial Skills

  • Night Chill: Reduces Shadow damage taken.
  • Entropic Embrace: Your abilities sometimes put you in the void state and grant you additional Shadow damage or additional healing.
  • Astral Link: Reduces the cost of transmogrification and void storage.
  • Supernatural Serenity: Your spells are not delayed by damage.
  • Spatial Rift: Teleport to a nearby location.

By the time you've all met the requirements for all new races and unlocked them, the expansion should be much closer.

World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth Editions

In the event of a pre-sale, you still have to decide on the edition. At the moment the digital standard and deluxe version is available.


  • The complete Battle for Azeroth game
  • A character upgrade to level 110
  • The possibility to unlock up to 4 of the new races

The Deluxe Edition also offers:

  • The mounts Gold-studded Ravasaurus from Zandalar (Horde) and Seaworthy Stallion from Kul Tiras (Alliance)
  • The companion Törtel, the baby tortollaner
  • A card back for Hearthstone
  • StarCraft II-Sprays
  • Primeval Flamesaber Mount for Heroes of the Storm
  • Sayings, emotes, sprays and icons for Overwatch

The details of the Collector's Edition will be announced later this year.

A detailed presentation of the individual races and features of World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth is available on the Blizzard info page.

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