World of Tanks - New graphics engine and wallpapers

World of Tanks Lakeville

The World of Tanks Doers are already working longer on a new game client and directly to a greatly improved graphic. The team offers those who fell in love with the graphics during the preview and would like to have a corresponding screen background 6 motifs today in all desired sizes. There was already in February also 5 motifs.

World of Tanks

World of Tanks - The new graphics

The terrain is enormously improved in the new graphics engine, the changes are not just new textures, the geometry is also taken into account. Even small bumps in the floor should now be visible and noticeable. Of course, the textures, i.e. the visible attributes, are also improved:

“The virtual texture increases the level of detail while keeping the performance at a similar level as before - it allows textures to be mixed. If you stand still, the terrain does not change, but as soon as you move, new textures are gradually created between the frames. "

 With the sometimes huge maps of World of Tanks, the visibility or the distance that was calculated and displayed was a problem. The further and more detailed details have to be calculated at a distance, the more computing power the representation devours. Many games make do with painted backgrounds, which are not really part of the accessible world and the 3D model, for example Dark Souls offers beautiful backgrounds on the horizon, but which are integrated as a static image.

“Another goal is to improve the rendering of the environment towards the horizon - or, put more simply, to increase all the details beyond the map's boundaries. Anyone who has already been to the sandbox server will be able to confirm it, it looks impressive. The cards feel familiar and yet a little strange. The space is no longer limited, for example:

  • Prokhorovka - is no longer restricted by lack of space. The battle now takes place in the middle of the endless steppes of Russia.
  • Himmesldorf - The battles on this summer map are set in the heated city battles of Gdańsk.
  • Mountain pass - The natural landscape becomes part of the mountain range in the North Caucasus. "

On the World of Tanks homepage You can also find high-resolution sample films and comparisons between before and after images from the new graphics engine and are definitely worth a look.

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