Heroes of the Storm - Patch brings Deckard Cain to the live server

Heroes of the Storm - Cain

After his short stop on the Heroes of the Storm Test server, is the new hero Deckard Cain arrived in the Nexus. There are also revisions to the main screen and the battlefield Warhead Manufactory.

Heroes of the Storm - Patch Changes

We have listed the changes between the PTR update and the version on the live servers for you:

Redesign of the main screen

  • Heroes of the Storm main screen has received some major improvements.
    • At the top of the main screen there is now a second navigation bar under the familiar "Play", "Collection", "Loot" and "Replays" buttons.
      • With a click on each of the tabs in the navigation bar of the main screen, you can switch between different categories of news about Heroes.
      • The tabs on the main screen are updated regularly and provide information on the latest heroes, what's happening in the game, esports from Heroes and much more.
    • Each tab on the main screen displays news at the bottom of the screen, which you can click to learn more about that topic.
      • For example, buttons on the main screen can direct you to heroes and other items in the collection, the latest In the Spotlight video, the Heroes Global Championship schedule, and much more.

Changes to the battlefields

Warhead Manufactory

  • Neutral swarm host boss
    • No longer digs himself in while defending his camp.
    • Slime pods
      • It is now displayed with warnings about where the slime pods will land.
      • The pods now explode instantly on impact and no longer create pods.
      • More pods are now shot per use.
  • Captured swarm host boss
    • All of the above changes also apply to a swarm host that has been taken.
    • Slime trail
      • Away.
    • Slime pods
      • Pods can now target buildings.

On this topic there is also a detailed explanation of the Heroes of the Storm development team, why the boss was changed.

Developer comment: We think the boss on Warhead Manufactory is a very cool variation on the common golem boss that can be found on most maps. However, we had to take care of some inconsistencies. These changes basically make the Boss a better version of himself - he's now similarly powerful in the neutral and ingested state, and his slime pods can make for cooler game moments than his previous pods.

The detailed German patch notes you can on the Blizzard homepage Find. If, on the other hand, you want to pounce on the new hero Deckard Cain. There are some beginner tips from the Professional player's chase "BBJ“Dixon. He plays a supporter for the HeroesHearth team and makes it easier for you to get started with a first build guild. This can be found here.

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