Beyond Good and Evil 2 - Beta not until late 2019

Beyond Good and Evil 2

Beyond Good and Evil 2 is a game title that makes fans everywhere sit up and take notice. After the announcement at last year's E3 trade fair and the longer trailer this year, the fans were hoping for a relatively timely release. That hope has now been given quite a damper.

Game Director Michel Ancel posted on questions about the release date: "We aim for a playable beta for the end of next year".

"We are planning a playable beta version by the end of next year"

Yes, you read that right, that means a beta at the end of 2019 and the release will definitely be postponed until the new year. Even if everything goes perfectly during the beta test.

As if the waiting time since the first part of 2003 wasn't long enough, the fans now have to wait a little longer.

Beyond Good and Evil 2 - The new trailer

So long we only have the trailers:


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There is also the preparation or the trailer with comments from the developers. It explains in great detail what happens in the video and who, for example, the new crew member is, etc.


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