In a grandiose final spurt, the Kickstarter campaign of the MMORPG Hope Ashes of Creation overran the $ 3 million mark tonight. There is no other way to call it, the last stretch goal at 3 million has now been exceeded by more than $ 200,000.
At the moment, 3 hours before the end of the campaign, the counter stands at 3,205,516 US dollars, which was pledged by 19,133 supporters. This means that the last targets for 16,000 backers / supporters and 3 million were clearly exceeded. For the 16,000 supporters reached, there will be a special FX set for their skills in the finished game. This will be exclusive to the Kickstarter campaign participants.
The new economic system
The last stretch goal, however, brings a new feature for all players: a new finance and market system.
Complex economic relationships between trade routers, wars and raids are implemented. Part of what has already been announced is the ability to invest in nodes, guilds or organizations, much like public companies in real life. If a node around which a city was founded is threatened, for example by war, environmental disasters or the local dragon, this naturally lowers its value and investors suffer losses. This also increases the willingness to protect your investments.
Conversely, one could also imagine investing in a node that is threatened by the nearby orc tribe and is therefore “cheap”. If you then eliminate the danger and the node flourishes and suddenly becomes a commercial center of the area. So the price rises and you have incredible profits. So far these are only speculations, the exact details and effects of the system have not yet been announced. In any case, it sounds like a brilliant idea to allow players to influence the world.
Ashes of Creation the new MMO Hope
Ashes of Creation is to appear in 2018 and is celebrated by the community as a new MMO hope. If the developers, many of them industry veterans, really keep what was promised in the course of the Kickstarter campaign, then we can all look forward to a great new online role-playing game.