After a long lull and many failed MMORPGs, Ashes of Creation finally gives new hope. The online role-playing game from Intrepid Studios seems to be exactly what fans want. The Kickstarter campaign not only achieved its goal in a record time of 12 hours, but has now broken the one million US dollar mark. At the time of this writing, fans and supporters have committed $ 1,262,128 to fund the game.
Ashes of Creation at Kickstarter
This means that 3 stretch goals have already been achieved:
- $ 1 million
- 6500 supporters
- $ 1.25 million
In contrast to some other crowdfunding campaigns, there is already a video with scenes from the game, so a large part of the basic structure is already in place and the impressions are extremely positive.
Ashes of Creation offers an open world without faction restrictions and is set in a fantasy world. In the video you can already see heroes jumping / flying through the area, monumental cities and beautifully animated magic spells.
Creative Director Steven Sharif reports on his experiences from other MMORPGs and how the community and friendships that arose in them were always the most important and interesting things. That's why the focus at Ashes of Creation is clearly on creating such communities again and giving the player the feeling of being part of something bigger.
The development team consists of industry veterans who have worked on some of the legendary games for example: Star Wars Galaxies, Everquest 1 & 2, Call of Duty and many others.
The world changing system of nodes
A new innovative system that is being developed for Ashes of Creation is the ability to influence the environment and the world. When the players arrive in the new world, it will still be full of wilderness and nature. So it's up to the players to ensure civilization. The so-called nodes are points with a certain radius of influence. All actions of the players giving the experience affect the node and the area around it. The nodes also reach new levels and the higher the more civilization they attract. For example, a hunter camp at the edge of the forest will develop into a small town over time. This then lives from hunting, for example, and profits from trading in fur or similar products.
Of course, the arrival of civilization is always connected with disturbances in the world and dark things could be disturbed or awakened that do something about it.
A city that forms on a mountain range and in which the players dig too deep could scare away a dragon from the depths, which in response lays the entire area to rubble and ashes. This means that the players who have set up camp in this city are faced with the choice between fleeing or fighting.
Such events are spread all over the world and ensure constant change and change. Because of this system, the story and experience of each player will differ from server to server.
On the other hand, this certainly leads to conflicts between the players and their goals. A sophisticated PvP system with castles, sieges, attacks on caravans and other possibilities will allow players and guilds to fight for their goals.
Trade as a pillar of Ashes of Creation
Unlike in other games, there is no global auction house. The markets are therefore regionally separated and this will result in price differentials that skilled traders can take advantage of. If a city has been founded around a mithril mine, this is possibly the only place for hundreds of kilometers where the metal is and a whole system with marketplace and caravans will form around it.
This sounds extremely hopeful to Star Wars Galaxies veterans who wistfully recall the sophisticated trading and crafting system.
In all of this, history is not forgotten either. Through tasks, events and the all-encompassing background story, the player is brought closer to the living, changing world.
Overall, Ashes of Creation looks like a great MMO that will finally bring a breath of fresh air to the genre after the lull in recent years. Thanks to the selected team with decades of experience in online role-playing games, the ideas and plans are consistently convincing.
Who now decides to support the game, can find the necessary information on the Kickstarter homepage.