Call of Duty WW2 - Official Announcement

Call of Duty WW2

Faster than we thought, publisher Activision let the cat out of the bag and officially announced Call of Duty WW2. It was only this morning that new speculation and rumors of an imminent announcement began to emerge. These have now really been confirmed and the fans can cheer.

The latest shooter from the Call of Duty series will, as suspected, be set in the Second World War. The exact contents and locations remain a secret of those responsible. In general, Activision and developer Sledgehammer still hold back politely with information. Because on the official site There's not much to be found about Call of Duty WW 2 yet.

After all, a teaser picture shows a soldier holding his dog tag in his hands. He looks marked by war and struggle. The gray smoke in the background reinforces the atmosphere.

Call of Duty WW2 live stream should reveal more information

However, some details can be found on the official website of the shooter. Because according to a large ad, the developers will hold a live stream on April 26, 2017, which should reveal more information about the game. The stream takes place at 7:00 p.m. Central European Time. However, it has not yet been announced on which channels it will be broadcast. Activision owes us exactly what information awaits us at the show. However, it can be assumed that we will not only learn a little more about the setting, but also about the release date and the platforms on which the shooter will run.

One thing is finally clear. With Call of Duty WW2 the series goes back to its beginnings and roots. Many fans have wanted this for a long time. Because the futuristic setup could not completely convince many and thus make them happy. We will definitely have to wait and see if luck will come back with this part of the series.





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