Dark Souls Trilogy announced for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One

Dark Souls Trilogy - image of the hero fighting a dragon

Bandai Namco today released a definitive Dark Souls Trilogy Edition announced. This will be released on October 19, 2018 for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles.

It contains all 3 games and the various DLCs:

  • Dark Souls Remastered
  • Dark Souls II: Scholar of the first Sin
  • Dark Souls III

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Dark Souls Trilogy - All DLC included

Dark Souls Remastered is the remastered version of Dark Souls 1 that was only released this year. There have been graphical improvements, a revised online mode and smaller Quality of Life improvements.

Dark Souls II: Scholar of the first Sin is also the improved version of the second part. Especially in the New Game + there are sometimes new opponents who mix up the previous game and provide new challenges. In addition, unfair situations and faulty systems (e.g. weapon wear) have been changed and offer a significantly better gaming experience than the first release. All 3 DLCs are included here.

Dark Souls III the youngest and final part of the cult series comes with both DLCs and brings the story to a close.

The Dark Souls Trilogy will be released on October 19th, the same day that the Dark Souls Remastered Version for the Switch is released. With so much Dark Souls you can only follow the subtitle of the video:

"Fear not the dark my friend and let the feast begin!"

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