Destiny 2 was released today for PC and many newcomers to the fanchise have jumped right into the adventure. To help you get started, we've put together some general tips.
The Destiny 2 map is one of your most important tools
There you will not only see available loot boxes and adventures, but you will also see the coveted ones Public events displayed. So that you can plan your journey, it also says how long it will take to start. Public events give you a loot box on completion of the task and are therefore really worthwhile.
These boxes often contain tokens that belong to the current region and can be exchanged for a Legendary Engram at the relevant dealer. However, you have to have reached level 20 for this.
If you stumble over boxes (diamond-shaped symbol) in the open world or if the boss leaves a box behind, make sure that you are as close as possible when you open it. Otherwise there can sometimes be problems with clearing them and you miss your reward.
The Lost Sectors / Lost Sectors are another source for loot boxes. In these hidden cave systems there is always a mini boss that you have to defeat and then plunder. The crate can contain equipment, region tokens and mica. The Lost Sectors are one of the quickest ways to level up and find gear after the campaign.
Depending on the color, these boxes contain equipment from white for basic items to green, blue, purple (legendary) and gold for exotic items. Purple and gold have to be deciphered at the special NPC, for example Tyrn Karn on the farm.
Bright Engrams - These are part of the Microtransaction System of Destiny 2 and contain purely cosmetic items, such as colors for armor etc.
The objects that made Legendary and Exotic Engrams coming are set the second the boss drops the box. So it pays to open it as soon as possible. Otherwise, the brand new things may no longer be an improvement.
In contrast, there are still those Luminous engrams, these are given by reaching certain weekly milestones. With these, the item level depends on your power level, so you should pick them up and only open them later for stronger, better rewards.
Exotic weapons & armor
You will get at least one weapon during the campaign and exotic armor on Titan through a story mission. In both cases there are 3 items to choose from so you can choose the best one for your character. After completing all other missions and after the campaign, there are still exotic weapons quests on the planet.
Level 20 and what now?
After completing the story campaign, you should have reached the maximum level of 20. From now on it is a matter of driving up your power value and tackling raids like the Leviathan.
Cayde-6 sells treasure maps that lead you to special loot boxes, which you only open after reaching Power Level 260 in order to get the best possible results. After reaching 260, it is also the best time to complete the exotic weapon quests of the individual planets.
Then we only have a lot of fun & success exploring the Destiny 2 Wish universe.