Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Tips for beginners part 2

Divinity: Original Sin 2 tips

Divinity: Original Sin 2 is also the top seller on Steam one week after it was released. To pay tribute to this success, we have put together more tips and tricks to help you get started. Part 1 of our little guide with useful tips, there was already last week. [In the meantime there is also part 3 with helpful tricks].

Crafting is great in Divinity: Original Sin 2

There is no other way to call it, the crafting system in Divinity: Original Sin 2 offers a whole range of valuable advantages. It takes a while to train, but it's definitely worth it. The cooking skill in particular proves to be very useful throughout the game. Since most meals heal a percentage of your health, these are also a real help late in the game.

Some foods also give other bonuses such as + values or + resistances. Since it is also very easy to stock up, it should be easy to provide the entire party with multiple options to consume in battle.

Advanced users can also create new spells by combining skill books, for example a Necromancer + Hydrosophist spell book results in Bloodrain. So feel free to experiment a little.

Without the "Pet Pal" skill you will miss a lot

If you ask Divinity: Original Sin 2 players for their top 3 best things in the game, 99% would give the talent Pet pal to answer. Without being able to talk to the animals in the game, you will miss a host of useful, funny, but sometimes also sad stories and experiences.

Your party can never have too many hydrosophists

The hydrosophist abilities offer a ton of useful spells. The clearly most useful is among them regeneration. The healing spell will be one of your main sources of healing and will ensure your survival for a long time.

Because of the long cooldown, it is useful if more than one character has the spell. If you're in Flames stands, regeneration also replaces the fire brigade and extinguishes you.

NPCs react differently to different races

Depending on which race your character belongs to, NPCs can react differently to you. You may miss some quests or entire quest lines as a result. It is enough if you change your active character, then you have a better chance depending on the situation.

Small gifts maintain friendship

One option that is often overlooked when negotiating is that Giving away items to a dealer. Give away? I agree! Do you have a dealer that you like or with whom you plan to do a lot of business, then it can be worthwhile to create a good mood with gifts. By leaving the gold at 0 in a trade, you are giving away the item, which will cost you money in the short term. In the long term, however, it ensures better conditions and the retailer will also pay more for your goods.

Crime is worth it ... it is

At least in the world of Divinity: Original Sin 2. Seldom has it been more productive to steal or even murder the rich in order to supply your party with riches and equipment.

If you sell the items to a well-disposed trader (see above), you will quickly make a fortune.

Of course it's a bit risky. People get suspicious when things keep disappearing when you've been around. In the long run, this will also call the guards onto the scene. The same goes for murders, especially if the body is found or if you are being watched. So make sure there are no witnesses.

Summoning Magic is the best

This may sound like an exaggeration, but most fights in Divinity: Original Sin 2 are designed so that four of you compete against the opponents. As soon as you summon an additional companion, you shift the balance of power in your favor.

Depending on what surface you have your "Incarnate" Skill uses, determines which elemental is summoned for you. In poisonous puddles, for example, you summon a Poison Incarnate to help you.

Even the level 1 ability ensures better chances in hard battles and saves your heroes corresponding damage. This leads us straight to the next point.

The right mix

Unlike in many role-playing games, in which you should concentrate on a part of the area, Divinity: Original Sin 2 rewards diversity. That doesn't mean you should level every skill, but skills like summoning and regeneration are useful on multiple characters. Polymorph in particular fits many classes and offers some unusual abilities.

Teleporting Gloves

Finally, a tip on how to get access to the teleportation spell at the beginning of the game. Shortly after arriving in Fort Joy do you find a man named Gawin near the great fire on the west side of the city. Whether you help him or not doesn't matter, it's about the item he's talking about: the teleportation gloves.

These can be found on the beach west of town. Kill the 3 crocodiles that hang around here and search the area for objects, one of which will be the gloves.

These are just at the beginning Teleportation Gloves very powerful. In combat, you can use it to "move" enemies on the battlefield and throw them into the fire or teleport the ranged fighters into your ranks to be able to finish them off quickly.

They are also extremely useful outside of combat. The gloves allow you to overcome smaller obstacles such as crevices in the rock that you would normally not be able to walk over. Even traps can be removed with it.

Have fun in the world of Rivellon!

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