GWENT - New arena mode released

GWENT arena

Since today's patch the new game mode for GWENT is available: The arena!

You create your arena deck and try to achieve 9 wins, but after 3 defeats your arena run is over.

Introduction to the GWENT Arena

CD Projekt Red also provides a short video with the most important information about the arena:


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So first you put together your 26 card deck from random cards. The usual faction limits and the limits on how many gold / silver cards can be in a deck have no influence. Only at the end, after you know what your deck looks like, do you choose the one leader.

The cards you choose are only available for this arena run and become your collection Not added. For this, there are other rewards, depending on how many victories you achieve. At least 1 card barrel is guaranteed as a reward, so you won't end up empty-handed.

Here are the instructions for starting your arena career:

To enter the realm of the Mirror Master and take part in the arena, you have to use Mirror Shards - a special type of ticket only accepted by the nefarious Gaunter O'Dimm ... The shards are either for real currency or in game currency (1.79 € or 150 ore) available. If you haven't saved any ore, don't worry - we've got everything under control! For the arena launch by March 7th, all players who log into GWENT will receive 3 mirror splinters!

The design team donated 3 free entries and since 1 card barrel is guaranteed even with 0 wins, this corresponds to 3 card barrels. Not to mention the additional chance for fun, challenge, experience and rewards.

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