Hearthstone - HTC tournament with problems

Hearthstone HCT

The weekend held Hearthstone HCT Summer Championship tournament was plagued by some problems. Several games were interrupted by disconnects, i.e. disconnections to the server. Especially the match between Luker and Nalguidan in the round of the last 8, when a PC crashed, caused some resentment in the community.

Hearthstone - Rematch on DC or crash

The reason for the excitement is that the match must be repeated if the connection is lost or the PC crashes. The only exception is if one of the players has "lethal", i.e. enough damage in the form of creatures or spells on the field and thus guaranteed victory. In that case, he would be awarded the victory.

Unfortunately, there were several cases this weekend in which there was a duel between aggro decks and control decks. In the event of such a clash, the game is theoretically decided when the control deck survives the first few moves and the aggro deck player has played his hand empty. In 99% cases, the Hearthstone game is over in such cases, but under tournament rules such a situation is not considered "lethal".

A match of the round of 8 corrupted by technical problems

Exactly such a case was the match between Luker (control warlock deck) and Nalguidan (pirate aggro warrior). The control deck had gained the upper hand and was on the safe path to victory when one of the laptops provided by Blizzard crashed. Then there was a rematch in which Nalguidan's Pirate Warrior drew a significantly better starting hand and thanks to an almost perfect mana curve, he was able to win the game and thus the match. So a very bitter defeat for Luker, who turned into a a Redditthread however showed very fair. "Such incidents are beyond the control of everyone involved"

Nevertheless, there are now voices in the community calling for a tournament mode and a better system for resuming matches. Such features would have been really gold this weekend and would have avoided several rematches and made for a fairer tournament.

In the end, Purple won over Nalguidan in the final 3-1 and won the Hearthstone tournament.

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