Hearthstone - Defias Style October Season

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The year is 2018 and October has begun and, like every month, a new one awaits us Hearthstone Season. The season started today has the motto of the legendary Edwin van Cleef, who is known to many not only as a Hearthstone card, but also as the final boss of the Deadmines Dungeon in World of Warcraft.

Accordingly, the back of the card, which you can earn this month, is also graphically and this motto and shows the characteristic red cloth with which the members of the Defias brotherhood adorn themselves.

Hearthstone October card back with the red Defias scarf
Source: Blizzard

To get the card back at the end of the month you only have to win 5 rated games in the standard or wild rankings. A counter gives you feedback every time you have made progress towards this goal.

Regardless of this, there is also the loot chest at the end of the month, the content of which depends on your rank in the ranking lists. Your best rank counts, whether wild or standard.

You can find the official Blizzard news below:

October 2018 Ranked Season - the hustle and bustle of the Deadmines

The October 2018 Ranked Season is now live - and we're unveiling a new card back for your collection!

Edwin van Cleef, legendary card, leader of the Defias brotherhood, beneficiary of countless miracles, giver of pace and a guy who definitely did NOT cross the Jordan. He's been with Hearthstone since the very beginning and is living proof that taking taking risks sometimes pays off. Join his brotherhood, put on a fancy red headscarf and show your opponents that you have the say here: get the van Carten back by playing Hearthstone in October!

This card back replaces the regular graphic on the back of your cards. It's the perfect way to showcase your accomplishments in Hearthstone. If you want to add the van card back to your collection, you have to win 5 games in the rated mode of the standard format or the wild format. At the end of the Ranked Season for October, you will then receive the van Carten back in your reward chest for the Ranked Mode.

The loot from the Ranked Mode Rewards Chest is based on your highest rank achieved in a Ranked Season. Reward Chests can contain Seasonal Card Backs, Arcane Dust, or Gold Cards and are awarded to you when you play Ranked Mode in Standard or Wild. Each season you ranked you will receive a chest based on your highest rank (regardless of the format).

Remember, the higher your rank in Ranked Mode, the more head start you will have at the start of the next season. At the end of the rated season, you will be reset to four ranks behind the rank reached in the season as soon as the new season begins. If you reach the Legend rank, you will be reset to Rank 4.

Join the Brotherhood in October and create a buzz in the Deadmines!

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