Heroes of the Storm - Alterac Pass Changes

Heroes of the Storm Alteracpass

The new Heroes of the Storm Battlefield Alteracpass is very popular, but there are some minor balance issues. So the snowball effect was too strong. The team with a small advantage in the early game was too often able to turn that into an insurmountable advantage. So the opposing team hardly had a chance to defend themselves, instead they were overwhelmed as if by an avalanche.

The is also weakened Cavalry unit. So far, these have received bonus armor for every hero in the vicinity, making them far more difficult to take down than planned. In addition to the bonus armor, they also lose 2,000 life points and their base damage is reduced from 85 to 65.


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So that matches don't last forever due to these changes, the damage scaling of the cavalry and des Haschers elevated.

You can find the complete German patch notes below, including an explanation from the developers.

Heroes of the Storm - Alteracpass Patch


  • Generals
    • Health reduced from 24,000 to 20,000.
    • Generals now gain 405 maximum health every minute from minute 2 to minute 21.
  • cavalry
    • No longer receive additional armor for nearby heroes.
    • Health reduced from 10,000 to 8,000.
    • Health increase increased by 19 %.
    • Damage reduced from 85 to 65
    • Damage scaling increased by 22 %.
  • Reaver
    • Damage scaling increased by 50 %.

Developer Comment: We're making a few changes to Alteracpass to ensure that early game advantages are less likely to become an insurmountable hurdle for the opposing team. At the same time, we're aiming for a similar average playing time as on our other battlefields. We're removing the mechanic that grants cavalry units extra armor for each allied hero within their aura because we believe that a multi-hero advance is already strong enough. We have also adjusted the scaling of the health points so that Vanndar and Drek'thar (who take on the task of the citadels) are no longer destroyed as quickly in the late game by heroes who have left them behind in terms of scaling and reduced their armor. In return, we are increasing the scaling of the cavalry and the chasers, so that games can still be ended quickly. This should only matter in games that are protracted.

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