Heroes of the Storm - Off to the Alterac Pass with the new savings skin packs

Heroes of the Storm

The battle for that Alterac valley let's go, the new one Heroes of the Storm Battlefield is finally available. As announced, the new map is only activated for non-rated matches in the first week.

This leaves all players exactly time to familiarize themselves with the Alteracpass before starting the ranked matches. Accordingly, the HotS team has limited the selection of cards to increase the chances of getting Alteracpass. The following cards are currently available for AI and unrated games:

Braxis terminus
Cursed valley
Dragon Gardens
Hell shrines
Burial chamber of the spider queen

Value packages for Echos from Alterac

But that's not all. Blizzard has put together some skins and savings packages to provide you with the right skins and mounts.


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There is an Alliance and a Horde package with some of the great heroes of their factions and corresponding mounts.

For the horde!!!

GarroshHigh Warlord GarroshRaging war wolf
RehgarChaos Warlord GarroshRaging night wolf
Frostwolf Warlord GarroshRaging forest wolf
Rehgar as Drek'Thar
Rehgar as Drek'Thar from Alterac Valley
Rehgar as Drek'Thar from Draenor

For the alliance!

MuradinMuradin as VanndarSwift Stormpike Ram
VarianMuradin as an explorer vanndarFast dark iron ram
Muradin as Iron Heart VanndarSwift ram of storm winds
Grand Marshal Varian
Grand Marshal Varian of Kul Tiras
Grand Marshal Varian of Stromgarde


There is also a range of skin packs for Auriel, Garrosh, Johanna, Junkrat, Muradin, Rehgar, Valeera and Varian, each with 3 skins that match the theme.

You can find all details about the packages on the Find Heroes of the Storm homepage.

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