League of Legends - arch-rival event with new legendary Garen / Darius skins

League of Legends trailer for arch-rivals

Garen versus Darius, that's the motto of the coming one League of Legends Event arch-rivals starting June 27th.

League of Legends - Arch-rivals Darius versus Garen

The release of the 2 new legendary skins for the two champions will be celebrated. The event starts on June 27th at 5 p.m. and runs through July 11 at 8:59 a.m.

God King Darius and God King Garen strike with 1820 RP each, but also offer completely new designs. The Garen Skin in particular has something special to offer: when whirling, it splits its blade into 2 individual blades, each of which he guides with one hand and plows through his enemies. Demacia !!!!!


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Of course there are not only the 2 new skins, but also symbols, eyes and stickers for League of Legends. These are also in the various Complete packages available. As in most events in recent years, there are also event-specific brands here - Arch rivals Tokens - for which you can get various items.

League of Legends lion banner
Source: Riot
League of Legends - Lion banner
Source: Riot

League of Legends - Event Brands

Earn arch-rival tokens by doing missions or buying bullets, chests or packages. You can craft the following items from your arch-rival tokens:

  • “God King Garen” frame for the loading screen, “God King Garen” icon and “Lion Crown” icon (150 arch-rival tokens)
  • "Gottkönig Darius" frame for the loading screen, "Gottkönig Darius" icon and "Crown of the wolves" icon (150 arch-rival tokens)
  • Lion Ball (80 Arch-Rival Tokens)
  • Wolf Ball (80 Arch-Rival Tokens)
  • "Little Lion" and "Heavenly Lion" symbols (40 arch-rival tokens)
  • Little Wolf Icon and Lost Wolf Icon (40 arch-rival tokens)
  • Random Champion Shard [worth 4,800+ blue essences] (40 arch-rival tokens)
  • Key Fragment (15 Arch-Rival Tokens)
  • 10 blue essences (1 arch-rival token)

Here is an overview of the missions:


Daily mission aimsreward
Royal Peace (Day 1)Play 2 games in which you place at least 1 control eye.


Win 1 ARAM game

5 arch-rival brands
Royal Peace (Day 2)Deal 10,000 damage to enemy champions.5 arch-rival brands
Royal Peace (Day 3)Play in the team that gets its first blood.


Win 1 game in URF (all random) mode.

5 arch-rival brands
Royal Peace (Day 4)Kill 800 vassals with your team.5 arch-rival brands
Royal Peace (Day 5)Spend 20,000 gold.5 arch-rival brands
Royal Peace (Day 6)Play as the team that destroys the first tower in Summoners' Rift.5 arch-rival brands
Royal Peace (Day 7)Get 12 kills / assists.5 arch-rival brands
Royal Peace (Day 8)Deal 3,000 damage to targets (e.g. towers, dragons, etc.).5 arch-rival brands
Royal Peace (Day 9)Kill Baron Nashor with your team.


Get 10 kills.

5 arch-rival brands
Royal Peace (Day 10)Kill 2 dragons with your team.


Get 20 assists.

5 arch-rival brands
Royal Peace (Day 11)Destroy 6 towers with your team.5 arch-rival brands
Royal Peace (Day 12)Win 1 normal game (including the leaderboard).


Heal 10,000 damage.

5 arch-rival brands
Mission seriesaimsreward
Well Roared Demacia (1/10)Win 1 game"The lion" symbol

20 arch-rival brands

Well Roared Demacia (2/10)Win 2 normal games (incl. Ranking list) in which you place 5 eyes.


Deal 120,000 damage to enemy champions.

10 arch-rival brands
Well Roared Demacia (3/10)Get 30 kills / assists.


Use your summoner spells 20 times.


Destroy 2 inhibitors with your team.

10 arch-rival brands
Well Roared Demacia (4/10)Win 1 game with a Demacian champion on your team.


Win 2 games in URF (All Random) mode.

10 arch-rival brands
Well Roared Demacia (5/10)Win 1 normal game (including the leaderboard) in Summoner's Rift in less than 30 minutes.


Win 3 normal games (including the leaderboard).

20 arch-rival brands
Well Roared Demacia (6/10)Kill Baron Nashor and a dragon with your team in the same game.


Get 75 kills / assists in normal games (including ranking).

10 arch-rival brands
Well Roared Demacia (7/10)Win 3 normal games (incl. Ranking list) in which you place 2 control eyes.


Get 80 kills / assists.

500 blue essences

20 arch-rival brands

Well Roared Demacia (8/10)Kill 3 dragons with your team


Destroy 10 towers with your team


Kill 1,800 vassals with your team.

500 blue essences

20 arch-rival brands

Well Roared Demacia (9/10)Win 1 game with a Noxian champion on the opposing team.


Win 3 games

20 arch-rival brands
Well Roared Demacia (10/10)Win 1 game in under 30 minutes“Arch-Rivals 2018” sticker
League of Legends - Arch-Rival Banner
Source: Riot


Daily mission aimsreward
The Call of War (Day 1)Play in the team that gets its first blood.


Win 1 game in URF (all random) mode.

5 arch-rival brands
The Call of War (Day 2)Kill Baron Nashor with your team.


Get 10 kills.

5 arch-rival brands
The Call of War (Day 3)Kill 800 vassals with your team.5 arch-rival brands
The Call of War (Day 4)Win 1 normal game (including the leaderboard).


Heal 10,000 damage.

5 arch-rival brands
The Call of War (Day 5)Get 12 kills / assists.5 arch-rival brands
The Call of War (Day 6)Play 2 games in which you place at least 1 control eye.


Win 1 ARAM game

5 arch-rival brands
The Call of War (Day 7)Destroy 6 towers with your team.5 arch-rival brands
The Call of War (Day 8)Kill 2 dragons with your team.


Get 20 assists.

5 arch-rival brands
The Call of War (Day 9)Deal 10,000 damage to enemy champions.5 arch-rival brands
The Call of War (Day 10)Spend 20,000 gold.5 arch-rival brands
The Call of War (Day 11)Deal 3,000 damage to targets (e.g. towers, dragons, etc.).5 arch-rival brands
The Call of War (Day 12)Play as the team that destroys the first tower in Summoners' Rift.5 arch-rival brands
Mission seriesaimsreward
Well howled, Noxus (1/10)Win 1 game"The wolf" symbol

20 arch-rival brands

Well howled, Noxus (2/10)Win 2 normal games (including the leaderboard) in which you place 2 control eyes.


Get 50 kills / assists.

10 arch-rival brands
Well howled, Noxus (3/10)Kill 2 dragons with your team.


Destroy 8 towers with your team.


Kill 1,200 vassals with your team.

10 arch-rival brands
Well howled, Noxus (4/10)Win 1 game with a Noxian champion on your team.


Win 2 games in URF (All Random) mode.

10 arch-rival brands
Well howled, Noxus (5/10)Win 1 normal game (including the leaderboard) in Summoner's Rift in less than 30 minutes.


Win 3 normal games (including the leaderboard).

20 arch-rival brands
Well howled, Noxus (6/10)Kill Baron Nashor and a dragon with your team in the same game.


Get 75 kills / assists in normal games (including ranking).

10 arch-rival brands
Well howled, Noxus (7/10)Win 3 normal games (including the ranking) in which you place 5 eyes.


Deal 180,000 damage to enemy champions.

500 blue essences

20 arch-rival brands

Well howled, Noxus (8/10)Get 40 kills / assists.


Use your summoner spells 30 times.


Destroy 3 inhibitors with your team.

500 blue essences

20 arch-rival brands

Well howled, Noxus (9/10)Win 1 game with a Demacian Champion on the opposing team.


Win 3 games

20 arch-rival brands
Well howled, Noxus (10/10)Win 1 game in under 30 minutes“Arch-Rivals 2018” sticker


The complete overview including the savings packages can be found on the League of Legends homepage.

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