League of Legends - Esports timetable 2018, 4 major tournaments

League of Legends - Esports 2018

League of Legends Esports events are always a big thing and with each passing year and new player, as well as viewer records, the popularity increases. The esports team at Riot today published the schedule for the 2018 season and the 4 major events MSI, Rift Rivals, the World Championship and AllStars.

League of Legends - Mid-Season Invitational

That’s the beginning MSI, the Mid Season Invitational. The European fans can look forward to this, because the preliminary round and the group phase will be held in the LCS Studio in Berlin. The following KO round then only moves a little further, namely to Paris. So if you want to be there live, you should keep the following dates free in the calendar.

Preliminary round + group stage MSI 2018:

May 3 to May 6 / May 8 to May 9 / May 11 to May 15: Preliminary round and group phase at LCS Studio Berlin

May 18 to May 20: KO round in Paris.

Rift Rivals 2018

The second major international tournament will be Rift Rivals 2018. The encounters are held across the globe:

  • NORTH AMERICA versus EUROPE - played in the USA.
  • CHINA versus SOUTH KOREA versus LMS - played in CHINA.
  • BRAZIL versus LATAM NORD versus LATAM SÜD - played in BRAZIL.
  • OCEANIA against SOUTH EAST ASIA against JAPAN - played in AUSTRALIA.
  • VIETNAM against RUSSIA against TURKEY - played in VIETNAM.

The exact cities and venues will be announced in the near future. However, the dates are already known, from July 2nd to July 8th the Rift Rivals Event will run.

The League of Legends World Championship 2018

As the home country of the reigning world champion Samsung Galaxy (even if the team has since been sold and plays under KSV eSports), South Korea is the host country of this year's World Cup. The matches are to take place in different cities in the motherland of esports. Exact dates and venues will follow in the next few weeks.

League of Legends - All-Stars Event 2018

After this sporting climax, that's what awaits us All-Star Match at the end of the year in December. After Barcelona in 2016 and Los Angeles in 2017, it will again go to North America in 2018 and will take place there from December 3rd to 9th. Further details will also follow in the future.

The League of Legends awaits ESports So fans a lot of top-class tournaments. With 4 big events the teams have a lot of opportunities to measure their strength in international comparison.

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