League of Legends - German Patch Notes for Update 8.5

League of Legends

With the League of Legends Patch 8.5 is not just the new one Shooter Kai'Sa, but also a lot of balance adjustments and the new one Resistance Illaoi Skin.

League of Legends

In the champion changes, Azir, Galio and Ryze stand out, who were causing "problems" in the professional esports scene, in addition, Zoe is being helped again after the many weakenings.

League of Legends - Patch 8.5 Highlights


The damage of his Q - Wandering Dune has been reduced from 70/95/120/145/170 to 60/80/100/120/140.


Here Riot is also tweaking his Q ability, which up to now could be spammed too heavily and Galio, thus granted too much Waveclear.

Mana cost from 70/75/80/85/90 mana to 70/85/100/115/130 mana.

Cooldown from 10/9/8/7/6 seconds to 10 / 9.5 / 9 / 8.5 / 8 seconds.


How often the blue-skinned magician has been revised is hard to count and again he poses huge problems for Riot. On the normal server and ranked games, its win rate is rather modest, in the professional scene, on the other hand, it seems much too strong.

So the Balance Team is now trying to do a little more damage on its E-Magic Cascade to make its early game easier. At the same time, the cooldown time of his Ultimate R world gate increases from 120 seconds to 180.


As a highly scalable endgame carry, Tristana was already a bit too strong in the early phase of the game. Riot tries to remedy this with a slightly smaller attack range.

Attack range from 550-669 (at levels 1-18) to 525-661 (at levels 1-18).

At the same time, W Rocket Jump's damage is increased a bit to encourage slightly riskier play with her.

Base damage from 60/110/160/210/260 to 85/135/185/235/285.

These are just a few highlights from Patch 8.5. The detailed, German patch notes for the League of Legends Update 8.5 can be found at  the Riot homepage. We have included the small mini video with a brief overview at the beginning of the article for you.

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