The new League of Legends season is just around the corner and so is the eSports teams are in the starting blocks. Here comes the new hype video from Riot "The Climb" just right.
With the last one major patch 8.1 before the season started, Riot also released details of the revised honor system. There are now new ones between the honor levels Intermediate goalsthe achievement of which brings a direct reward. The randomness of the rewards when reaching levels 3, 4 and 5 is also improved. From now on you will receive an honor capsule with a guaranteed reward and a cosmetic item.
League of Legends - Overview of the new honor system
The new League of Legends Honor System Page also shows the intermediate steps and the corresponding rewards.
Riot also focuses on the transitions between the Seasons one. Because the honorary rank of last season has an influence on the starting rank in the new season. For example, those who have reached level 5 will only be reduced to level 2-3. From level 4 to 2-2 etc.
You can see how much work Riot is doing in improving that League of Legends There is a community and what incentives the players are offered for fair, friendly cooperation. You can only use the motto "Fight with honor“Sign and start the new season.

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The new ranking season starts on January 16 and the new LCS EU season starts on January 19 at 6 p.m. and will be live via Twitch transfer.