League of Legends - LCS EU and NA winners have been announced

After the matches for 3rd place in the League of Legends LCS on Saturday, the LoL fans can finally expect the 2 grand finals yesterday.

League of Legends - EU Final

In Europe stood each other Team Fnatic and Team G2 Esports across from. While it was the 5th final in a row for G2 Esports and should be the 5th victory, it was the first final participation for Fnatic since 2015.

To the horror of the Fnatic fans, Toplaner had to face the week before the final SOAZ Reported “sick” with a broken arm and substitute Bwipo had to take his place.

To the great surprise it held out Bwipo but pretty good and played good games. He didn't seem to mind the nervousness of the big final stage either. The entire Fnatic team played superbly that evening and G2 couldn't find any means against it. Especially Fnatic ADC Rekkles ran on top form and could even 2 pentakills in the series.

Match 1 Penta

Match 2 Penta

So it was no wonder that it was 3-0 in the end, despite resistance from G2 Fnatic and they were crowned LCS EU Spring Split Winner. Over 500,000 League of Legends fans watched the exciting finale on YouTube and Twitch.

League of Legends Fnatic

The series for 3rd and 4th place on Saturday between Team Splyce and Team Vitality, went up to the 5th game, in which Splyce prevailed and thus took bronze.

NA LCS Team Liquid versus 100 Thieves

To that Final in North America the hype was even greater, after the previous record winners such as TSM and Cloud 9 were eliminated, there had to be a new winner. So far there have only been 3 winners who were allowed to hang their flags in the studio, 2x CLG, 2x Cloud 9 and 6x Team SoloMid.

So it was about which team, the 4th team, should be to hang up their coat of arms. And as the fans of Team Liquid hoped, the meme "TL always gets 4." "TL always gets 4." In this case in a positive variant. Because Team Liquid won the series 3-0 and was the 4th winner of the LCS NA.

Match 1 was a little shaky and only TL Jungler Xmithie's Theft of Baron Nashor ensured a victory for TL. In the next 2 matches 100 Thieves every now and then to bring out the lead, but the nerve to convert them into victories was lacking.

As a result, won Team Liquid the series to the delight of the fans. ADC Doublelift succeeded in winning the NA LCS with 3 different teams (CLG - TSM - Liquid).

place 3 secured on Saturday Echo fox in a 3-0 over Clutch gaming.

Team Liquid and Fnatic are the representatives of their regions in the League of Legends MSI - Mid Season Invitational, which will take place from May 3rd, 2018 to May 20th, 2018 in Berlin and Paris.

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