While the League of Legends Beating the heads of professionals in the current MSI tournament, Riot treats us to a funny gimmick. For the next week, the announcer votes in the game will be replaced by the commentators of the live streams. For example, those who are out and about with a German game client will hear the voices of JustJohnny and Hairy with a Beard.
There is also a small YouTube video showing the two German casters during the recordings:
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RiotQuickshot published the complete list on Reddit which casters were recorded for which region. It depends on the language set in the game which voices you will hear. In English, for example, comments on the face of the European LCS league Eefje "Sjokz" Depoortere together with Quickshot the action in your matches.
League of Legends - Announcer Overview
So excited to see this as a reality! About a month back Sjokz and I recorded over 550 lines of voice over work to replace portions of the in game announcer. It was just so much fun and hopefully you guys enjoy the lines in game. This isn't exclusive to EUW, the list of languages and casters are below. The voices should be enabled from 13th to 20th May, lining up with the MSI Finals in Paris next week.
- NA: Phreak & Kobe
- KR: Yong Jun Chun & Hyun Woo Lee (Cloud_templar)
- TR: Kürşad “Regarnur” Demirer & Can “Scarlet” Çaldıran
- BR: Tacio Schaeppi (Schaeppi) & Guilherme Cheida (Tixinha)
- LATAM: Óscar "Corsario" Aliste & Érick "Skyshock" González
- FR: Fabien "Chips" Culié & Charles "Noi" Lapassat
- ES: Ulises Prieto "Ulises" & Ibai Llanos "Ibai"
- DE: Jona "JustJohnny" Schmitt & Niklas "Bart" Eigen
- RU: Mikhail "Olsior" Zverev & Yury "FlashInTheNight" Shilenkov
- CN: Vincent "Changmao" LEE & Zeyuan GUAN
This is a small short term hype test to get excited and celebrate MSI. It's not entirely esports focused lines and calls, but has some trolling, some flame and some fun stuff 😛 Hope you enjoy it and PLEASE let me know what you think of the lines 😀
On a personal note, I have been playing League since early 2010 and to think that now my voice is in the game, even if just for a week ... there are no words to tell you how happy I am.