League of Legends - Patch 7.5 and Galio Rework

League of Legends

League of Legends developer Riot installed patch 7.5 on the servers yesterday. It mainly contains balance changes that are intended to fix long-term problems.

On the one hand, the focus is on the shooters, whose situation is little enviable at the moment. A few like Jhin, Varus and Miss Fortune overshadow their colleagues so extremely that there is hardly any reason to play anything else. Especially in the weekly leagues like LCS NA and LCS EU there was little variety this season.

The LCS is the League of Legends Championship Series which every week, similar to the Bundesliga, lets teams compete against each other. At the end of the season, the placement of the teams decides on relegation and qualification for the world championship.

As a second focus, Riot takes care of some heroes who have been sidelined for a long time and revises them. Hopefully, this will make Riot more competitive for more champions. Among other things, there were buffs for Aatrox and Kindred, as well as changes to key championships such as “Stone Connection” and “Bloodthirst”.

Riot also performed small nerfs on champions like Rengar and Ryze, for example Ryze rune cage's basic duration was shortened from 1 second to 0.75 seconds.

After some of the lethal items had to undergo changes in the last patch, it hits again "Edge of the night", the shield duration is reduced from 10 to 5 seconds. In patch 7.4, the cooldown time was increased by 15 seconds to 45, and the attack damage was reduced by 5.

Galio, the Collosus - revision

League of Legends developer Riot regularly revises older champions. Some of their capabilities are still from the beta and no longer fit 100% into the game, which has been modernized many times. So that champions like Galio get out of the corner, Riot has given them a complete makeover. Riot is also revising the look and adapting the models to the new options.

Riot dedicates its own website to the great Galio rework, which visualizes the changes very nicely.

You can find the detailed 7.5 patch notes on the official Riot website find.

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