The newest League of Legends Update 8.7 finally brings the overworked Irelia and buffs / nerfs on champions and items. This is where the popular Amulet of the iron solari weakened and the Guinsoo's Fury Blade made more expensive.
Irelia, the blade dancer has been completely redesigned and swings itself and its blades through the league faster than ever before.
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League of Legends 8.7 Highlights
Here are the rest of the highlights of the patch:
Gragas now scales better with ability power and gets the damage reduction back on his W:
W - Drunken Rage grants Gragas an additional 4 % damage reduction per 100 ability power.
Since the preseason patch, the jungle has become easier for almost all champions and Ivern's advantages have almost disappeared. Accordingly, he gets several smaller buffs to compensate.
His Q rootcaller now lets him jump over walls to jungle monsters more reliably.
W - Miracle Growers gets more range from 800 to 1000.
R - Blümchen looks for new targets more quickly and takes less damage from area effects of epic monsters, eg: Baron Nashor.
With adaptive values, attack damage is the standard for Leona from now on
Slightly increased attack damage
His e-bottom strike scales better with skill strength from 0.20 to 0.60
Less cooldown on his Ultimate from 130/115/100 to 130/105/80.
Less increase in basic life
Your E - Permafrost has been stunned for a shorter time and should change its hegemony recently.
Far too strong since its revision. His Q grip of death is weakened because of this:
Cooldown from 5.5 / 4.75 / 4 / 3.25 / 2.5s to 7.5 / 6.25 / 5 / 3.75 / 2.5s
Base damage from 65/85/105/125 / 145s to 55/75/95/115 / 135s.
Guinsoo's Fury Blade now costs 3300 gold instead of 3000.
Amulet of the iron solari
Base value for the shield from 38 to 30
Shield per level of the line from 22 to 15
Scaling of the additional life from 2–36 % (at levels 1–18) to 20 %
Active effect cooldown from 90 seconds to 120 seconds
Ninja tabi
Armor reduced from 30 to 20, but the damage reduction of normal attacks increased from 10% to 12%.
This is just a small overview of the changes, plus tons of bug fixes, including voice chat. The full German League of Legends patch notes from 8.7 can be found here.