League of Legends - Soon 10 bans in regular games

League of Legends

After the pick and ban phase for League of Legends tournaments was brought up to date last year, this change is now also coming to all regular games.

One of the fixed sizes of League of Legends is finally being changed after a long battle of the community. Despite almost double the number of champions, 3 bans per team were the standard in draft mode for League of Legends for years. More and more voices from the fan base and professional players were loud, demanding more ban options. Last year, Riot finally heard those calls and at least changed the format for tournaments.

There were 3 bans for each team, each team then chose their first 3 champions and another round with 2 bans for each team followed. Whereupon both teams then chose their last 2 champions.

League of Legends

Adapted system for the normal servers

This new system comes with minor changes from patch 7.11 for all servers and regions.

As before, every player can specify the champion they want to play. Then the first change takes place: Any player can ban a champion. All bans at the same time and it is visible which choices your teammates make, but not those of the opponents. Once everyone has confirmed their bans, all 10 bans will be visible to both teams. It is possible that the bans of the two teams overlap and thus less than 10 champions were effectively banned. From then on everything goes its usual way until both teams have chosen their 5 champions.

In the short video at the beginning of the article, Riot demonstrates the new process.

The advantages of the new League of Legends ban system

The new method has several advantages, every player can now ban a counter for his lane. Also as a 4th or 5th. In the order you still have a "say" and the whole process is faster than before with each ban in a row.

Riot explains the differences between the eSports process and the version for "normal" players with the different requirements and strategies. A professional League of Legends team will have completely different tactics for the Pick & Ban phase than 5 random players who meet in a ranked game.

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