League of Legends - Voice chat for groups

League of Legends

In the current / dev blog the developers and designers at Riot talk about upcoming changes for the group system in League of Legends. One of the biggest new features will be voice chat for groups.

For years, Riot has been quite reluctant to introduce voice chat for their Moba hit. One of the underlying reasons was certainly the problem of the sometimes quite "toxic" community. There are always people who throw insults around in the normal chat and no one wanted to listen to verbal insults from random strangers.

But on the one hand the community has improved a lot, on the other hand the new chat is only available for now groups.

League of Legends - Voice chat for groups only

Accordingly, you only have your friends in voice chat and it simply replaces Teamspeak, Discord or the like for you and no extra program is necessary.

In general, a lot is screwed on the group interface. This makes it much easier to invite other players to the friends list or the next game after a match. In the game summary there is then a new button for inviting. If you have a group with open places this can then also be opened for your friends list and any of your friends can join.

The detailed description of the planned features can be found in the / dev blog by Riot developer "Soundwave".

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