Overwatch - When healing becomes frustration

Overwatch Mercy

They're actually some of the most important team members in Overwatch. Because with the achievement of a healer, the entire game can go down the drain or lead to a glorious success. As in many other games, however, it is quite difficult to find a player who wants to play a support or healing character. The reason for this is simple, because most of the glory belongs to the others on the team.

But not only the fame itself is a cause of frustration for healers at Overwatch, but something much more pragmatic. In the official forums and up Reddit Some players are currently complaining about the difficulty of achieving the "highly dangerous" status as a healer. However, this status is an important part of one's own rating. So it is much more difficult for healers to improve their rating in the ranked games than it is for assassins or even tanks, for example. Especially with the recent changes to the matchmaking system, this is becoming more of a problem.

According to the critics, before the last patch it was still possible to achieve the "highly dangerous" status through healing or killassists. Since the patch, however, you have to rely more on your ultimate ability. But this in turn is not the point, because careless spamming of the ability can cost the entire game.

For a particular healer, however, the changes are even more of a problem. Because Mercy faces a big dilemma. According to this assumption, to be “extremely dangerous”, she would have to spam her ultimate ability as often as possible, but that only works when the team members are dead. At this point there is only one terrifying insight left. Mercy has to let her team die consciously. However, it certainly doesn't make sense for the entire match.

Blizzard in a tight spot on this Overwatch problem

Developer Blizzard Entertainment is well aware of the difficult situation of the healers. Various improvements have been made to the ranking system in the past. But it seems that recent improvements to the matchmaking system have ruined many things. For the developers, there is a clear pressure to act at the moment, a statement has not yet been made. At this point, however, this is not very surprising, as the Blizzard employees must first substantiate or refute the claims of the players with numbers. Until that happens, patience is required.

One thing is certain in the end, if the situation of the healers does not get better, it could lead to a downright loss of support in Overwatch.

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